Beefy Studies Every Day
My CA sketchbook is rated 5 stars right now. That's not right. People better drop some ones on it fast haha.

Also, Daniel Lieske is a tank


Saw the avenger's tonight - Good show
The middle two are reffed.

I get to do an art class next year! I won't learn anything, but yay free life-drawing!

These sketches are really great!

@ Kamiru : Thanks!

*Cue Pokemon themesong*
Hey guys, sorry I skipped out yesterday. I sat down, took some time to plan and consider where I'm headed. I have been improving a little, but not as much as I want to be.
If I'm going to be working by next summer I'm going to need a serious boost.
All I need right now is four things: Environment/perspective, Anatomy, design/style, and compelling light and colour. I'm going to have to push and get perfect at these four things.
Anatomy is first and foremost, of course.

So basically, I need to stop durdling so much and actually get serious.
If I'm going to quit being lazy about this, and actually get into gear, I'm going to have to be a LOT more disciplined.
To that end, I've come up with a little bit of a schedule. It's loose, but it's riddled with deadlines which should REALLLY help.
I though about it and realized, if I'm not pulling four hours a day then I'm just wasting my time.
However, fitting in 6 hours school, 4 hours drawing, 2 or 3 hours exercise every day plus an hour for meals is not possible in my 14 hour day (I sleep for 10 hours) if I waste time on extraneous turdlike activities.
No more of that heheh

+My new schedule is going to look something like this:
-Wake Up @ 8:00 - breakfast, school, all that
-Get Home @ 12:40
-Exercise Until 1:40
-Draw Until 6:00
-Sports 6:30 - 8:30
-Homework 9:00 - 10:00

I'm pretty confident I can keep my GPA above 3.8 even with so little time on homework, so the real issue is the self discipline and putting in the time drawing.
I'm gonna try to get my parents to help yell at me a bit, but I know it's totally on me to do this.
I would also really appreciate it if any of you who see me slacking to take the time to write out a brutally harsh comment as well :)
So, as a motivational tool I'm going to have lots of understanding goals each week. I'm also going to be doing comparison posts on the end of each month:
Old work (month old)vs. New work (end of month)
AND physical comparisons, just basic physical stuff like sit-ups, push-ups, pull-ups, some timed stuff, whatevs.
I think this'll be a good way to motivate myself, and also a good way to stay on track.

Anyways, Here is my weekly/hourly breakdown of schedule. I might not finish all of this stuff, but I WILL spend 4 hours doing as much as I can each day.
-30 mins of 90-120 second gestures
-90 mins of about 5 min poses - ~9 from photos ~9 from mind
-60 mins master studies (loomis, bridgman, maybe hogarth?) or idol studies (Piemonster, Wayne Reynolds, Wesley Burt, Marko Djurdjevic, Alex Pascenko)
-60 mins free drawing (invent at least five figures from mind during this time)(MIND)
-30 mins of 90-120 second gestures
-90 mins of about 5 min poses - ~9 from photos ~9 from mind
-60 mins of 3X environments/perspective exercises (including figure placement for one of them)(MIND)
-60 mins free drawing (invent at least five figures from mind during this time)(MIND)
SA/SU* (I get all day basically, so lets do 6:00 hours ;))
-30 mins of 90-120 second gestures
-120 mins of about 5 min poses - ~12 from photos ~12 from mind
-60 mins of 3X environments/perspective exercises (including figure placement for one of them) (MIND)
-90 min Tight Lines - Illustration OR Concept (MIND)
-60 mins free drawing (invent at least five figures from mind during this time)(MIND)

Anywaaaays, gotta run, midterms tomorrow :)
Starting off without the environments, I'll add them into the mix next tuesday.

Oh yeah, here are my scores from today:
Push-ups: 50 (almost died!)
Pull-ups: 11
Sit-ups: 100
i really like your style.
it reminds me of this guy on concept art i used to really dig mixed with like.. korgoth the barbarian or something.

very cool
@ Mesmer : Cool, got his name? Thank you :D

Every five minutes I die 0.000002439%! Gotta get amazing! heheh
Bike chick's bike looks shitty cause there's no ref and all the perspective is outta whack~

90 second gestures and legs from my mind...

90 second gestures, quick colours, and my new sketchbooks! Covers are made out of coloured duct tape and sharpie. yay. They'll be filled, all 300 pages, by the fall :D

Ok, here's the deal. I missed mother's day, but other than that I've been on track. I haven't been scanning because it ends up taking like 30 mins each night and my new sketchbooks don't fit in the scanner anyway.
Soooo, I'm not gonna change my schedule, and I am still doing all of this stuff, but I'm only gonna be posting more finished stuff / non-study imagination stuff from now on. I'll do it on printer paper and I'll still be able to make daily updates.
Anyways, gestures, a really stupid knight, a kappa~


Ohh man! Had my first ever real taekwondo match today. It was super fun, but I lost 4-1 haha. I was on such a crazy adrenaline rush the whole time :D

Stompin' on ants! Suckin' on souls. Stompin' on ants! Souls, souls, souls.

Gonna make a chow ^_^

I like these colours, but I'm need to redesign the throne.

Great anatomy and line-work as always! You might want to start varying up those body types a little, more fat and what not. Keep ballin'!
@ CoreyKLamb : Yeah it's true. Good point. Whenever I look through a players handbook or monster manual I see 90% healthy bodehs, so they're my top priority, but I'll get around to it for sure!

Sweet studies man! those figure drawings are looking great!

@ wla91 : Thanks :D



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