My potatoes
Wellz , haven't saved much. Here's some shitz.

Angelique made me update, blame her, lol.

We've been around the CD hangout recently, you guys should join too :).

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Good jooooooob!
Good work on those studies man, keep it up.

Thanks guys :)

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just repetitive stuffs lately and a bunch of hands I don't want to show LOL.

Did this quick thing in the morning to cheer up a friend ... a bit myself as well haha. This is the first time in a lot when I've enjoyed the process.

"Keep going, it's cool" I said :)

Same goes for you guys :P

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Awesome studies! And it's always nice to have a turtle comic relief, haha. Keep it up, man. Grin


 Join our Study Group: The Velvet Revolvers!  Let's work hard together!
Studies are looking good, nice construction. There's an exercise where you draw a constructed figure from reference, then use what you learned from doing the study to draw other views of the same pose. You could try drawing a front, back, side and 3/4 view of a pose you like, it might help you get a better idea of how to turn forms around in your head. It looks like you can analyze forms pretty easily but creating them is a bigger challenge

@Bookend : Thanks :)

@ Samszym Thanks. All the skeleton/muscle guys have made up poses but they obviously aren't interesting poses , I did them so I have something to display muscle on and bones on haha. It's definitely much harder to do complicated poses that have lots of foreshortening and other stuff.

Funny you mention the other views of the same pose thing , been trying to do a bit of that after I've watched some Ron Lemen vids. I'm especially bad at it and it revealed problems I have with sideviews lol. Thanks for reminding me of them again, was getting ready to sweep them under the rug like a lazy person ... but that's obviously a sign haha.

Example ~ lol


Skyboard santa .... yeah

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It might just be me, but I think the way the back is bent in the second one looks a little bit unnatural. Could just be me though.
Nice work on those studies, great breakdown. Keep up the hard work. Smile


 Join our Study Group: The Velvet Revolvers!  Let's work hard together!
@StardustLarva Possible , it's just a construction thing tho so .. the fact that it doesn't have the curve on the rib cage might be a reason too.

@Thanks , they're kidna bad tho xD.


Anywho , decided to try my first value study before the new year (as I was planning lol). If u guys got any tips/opinions , I'd like to hear em :)

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Wow, nice. I'm guessing you're gonna bring in highlighting later. The shapes look really, really close.

Top of the hair on the right side is a bit too high with the shading. Bridge of the nose is a bit too thick. More shading on the cheek. Little things like that. You'll get it. Lol

Keep at it!


 Join our Study Group: The Velvet Revolvers!  Let's work hard together!
Thanks Bookend ... I hooope ... lol.

Attempted a ... thing.
Eh ... baaaad

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Wow! The year's not even done, and I can see a huge jump in terms of improvement. Very inspiring!
^ I second that comment. See how much you've improved since we have been drawing in the hangout, only because you put in more hours and kept going, even when it was 'boring' :) . Good job!
It's not 'bad' at all dude, if you were going for a likeness then it's off but if the focus was a bust with realistic facial proportions, good indication of form, accurate lighting and a study of values then you did a great job! You can clearly see everything that's going on in there, it's a case of hand eye communication and filtering all the correct information while painting and that's simply mileage - same thing for me at the moment. Keep going man, you're doing awesome ^^

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
@Tan-Sau: Wow , thanks ... never thought I'd see those words in this SB haha.

@AngeliquevdMee: Thankiuuu ... now get your ass in the hangout xD.

@JyonnyNovice: Thanks man. Wasn't going for likeness ... yeah ... but still shouldn't have messed that mouth so hard haha. Was aiming a bit for color too but I messed that up as well . Should take it slower lol.

Srry for not posting much ... just feeling like nothing's worth it since it's mostly repetitive.

These are some proko assignments I've tried.

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Just a lotta crap, not really in order ... very random. Lotsa' contruction from imagination n' stuff.

I kinda like the idea of sort of "animating" a sequence or just more moves of the same character. I get a feeling it helps me thinkin the poses better.

Wish I had a huge mirror to confirm my thoughts sometimes haha.

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YESSSSSSSSSS get that form perspective and anatomy up in this shizen!
Go baby go!

[Image: go-baby-go-o.gif]

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Thanks Smrr ! :)


Not exactly an updaaate ... just what I've been up to last 2-3 days ... I think.
A creature thing , gestures and some armors I like from a game. There are muuuuch more I like so I'll probably do more of those idk.

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