Intuos 4 pro stopped connecting to computer
My tablet stopped working very suddenly and will no longer connect to my computer at all. I think it might be the port on the tablet itself that has broken, but i can't tell from looking at it <: (

has anyone had this problem? is there no other way to solve it but pay a lot of money for it to get fixed?

(its not the computers usb port because other things work fine
and its not the cable itself, because i tried with another working cable(for a psp) and it didn't work,)

My sketchySketchy book

MY tumblerone

I'm far from tech expert, so I'd suggest get professional tech help if nothing works.

The only thing I can think of is completely uninstall tablet driver, reboot, re-install the latest driver for your tablet, reboot, plug it in and see if it works.


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