Has anyone used Just host to create a website? I am having problems getting my site to load. I'm using wordpress to create the site currently but I have not idea what I'm doing wrong. For some reason I can not get my files to load. My site still has the generic info on it even though I have a file. I tried concrete5 but have the same problem. Do I need to move the files someplace on the just host site?
Thanks for the help,
Has anyone used Just host to create a website? I am having problems getting my site to load. I'm using wordpress to create the site currently but I have not idea what I'm doing wrong. For some reason I can not get my files to load. My site still has the generic info on it even though I have a file. I tried concrete5 but have the same problem. Do I need to move the files someplace on the just host site?
Thanks for the help,