Background help?
Hello, I'm quite new here and I would really appreciate it if someone would take the time to take a look at these backgrounds (some of which are studies) and give me some critiques/help/tips?
Anyway thank you in advance :D

Heya, from all of that work I would say to maybe focus on a couple of things.

The first is your brushstrokes and brush choices. You seem to use sharp edged brushes for a lot of your form building, and while there is nothing wrong with this, in a lot of cases it doesn't fit the types of things you are painting amd ends up lokking scratchy overall, for example the clouds. Try and experiment with different brushes to see what might work better for the task.

Lost and found edges. Everything is either very sharp overall, or excessively blurred in areas, like the bokeh painting. Successful compositions use sharp edges and blurred ones with a very specific purpose to help guide the focus, and I feel you aren't using edges with any purpose.

Finishing and textures. I know these are probably quickish speed paintings/studies, but many seem like they don't go past the blockout stage at all. Speed studies can help you with studying composition and values, but rushing through doesn't help you develop an understanding of depicting materials and textures. I don't know how long you spend on these, but perhaps taking some on a little further and seeing if you can introduce implied textural detail would be beneficial. And mix up short studies with longer "finished" pieces. Always choose your studies with a particular area (composition, lighting, textures etc) you want to focus on and concentrate on that.

Hope that helps.

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Wow thanks for replying so soon!
It really helps a lot, I probably would've never figured out those things on my own XD
I'm going to control my edges and take more time next time!
Once again, thank you :D

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