spiderfacemofo wip

I started sketching this head as a warmup this morning, and I just sort of kept going with it. I guess he's like a sort of alien working in his ship's lab to create some sort of chemical weapon. Is there anything I should do to improve the composition or color or anything like that before heading forward? Thanks for your help guys.

Sketchbook  :::  Site

Hey man, whats up?
First i'd say it's a little hard to tell whats going on in the picture, so your char is kind of a scientist?
I think its not clear that he is a sentient being, he looks too much like a monster because the camera is too close to his face, maybe if you give clear hints that he's a thinking being, things that we can relate like armor [i can see just a tidbit over there], hands, items, or else it could be a tribal creature as far as the viewer knows.
About the environment and his chemical weapon, i'd say the same thing, how do i know this is a lab inside a ship? What are you showing the viewer so that he knows its a chemical weapon, or a dangerous environment? Consider placing more lab objects, warning signs etc in your picture!

I hope i helped you out :D

yeah I'd agree with whats been said above ^, narrative is very important and its lacking here.
also, i would work on your brushwork to make it less chicken scratchy, use broad strokes to suggest forms and then detail, not small brushwork. its unclear what material his face is made from and where armour/ exoskeleton/ flesh begins, so I'd do some matierial studies for those.
how about some glow from the test tube too? its nice to show one of the main narrative elements having more interaction with the surroundings.
its also unclear what levels are going on, on the right- it feels too much like the techy stuff blends into the background which conflicts with the viewer in terms of perspective- how close are we from the windows, what is actually going on on the left etc, for example the antenna on our right is at the same value level as the background which looks strange.
all of that said (i dont want to come off negative!), its a really cool idea and you should keep pushing it through. i like the design of the figures armour/exoskeleton, its got that mass effect vibe that really works, i would just work on your lighting being more interesting- maybe a dark room with only the glow of the green? maybe only partial lighting on his face, like a window shard of light? keep thinking on it anyway.
would love to see where this goes, good luck my friend!


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