Char's Sketchpad- Current: Zelda Bloodsport

Here's some recent stuff!

Here's a piece I had crit'd live from Dan:
[Image: 20120213-qprpbtx7mc65c4xfyqxk1emxw7.jpg]

Dan's PO:
[Image: 20120208-8rnc6smttitf2852x5jayar5b1.jpg]

Here's the progress on it so far:
[Image: 20120214-txncj5ampdtjuktmwwyfk7j3ih.jpg]

Been delayed due to a surgery in the family last week. I need to take a photo ref of myself in the pose to get the shoulder/chest/back alignment right. Been using a lot of ref for the legs, namely: this.

Crit's always welcome! :)
Ha! it's an andalite! Man I remember reading the shit out of the Animorphs. Not the greatest sci-fi series looking back at it, but the author sure had a ton of vivid ideas.

A wee suggestion. Maybe have the "main" eyes look back at whatever she is running from? Would maybe give the narrative a stonger sense of urgency or danger, and it would make sense that if you have two sets of eyes you don't have them all look in the same direction while you're in danger.
is looking great the new piece! the mechanics of the legs are working perfectly now :)
Here's a WIP:
[Image: 20120217-pu2t147r8as64ai2d4x1segxnb.jpg]

I feel so lame for not getting to this more, but commissions and part time jobs need attention.

I've reworked the arm to a non-broken looking pose. The hand still seems huge to me, but maybe that's just my eyes playing tricks.

@7brushes- Thanks! Glad the new leg position looks more convincing : )

@Fingus- Woo! Fellow Animorphs fan in da house ;) The books actually aren't half bad reading them now, some are still awful, but they're the ones I thought were awful even as a kid.

I don't know if you read this book, but this is the scene from the Hork-Bajir Chronicles where Aldrea is running to see if the Yeerks have hurt her family. So she's running toward something, not away from it. I tried to have her look a bit frantic, almost as though she were running haphazardly, not taking care as to where her legs/arms were going- hence the weird leg pose originally. Not sure how to make it look like she's running *toward* something moreso than I have with her focused gaze (she's not looking behind her as if being chased). Any suggestions are welcome : )

So I considered my concept while I was on break at my retail job and thought, wow, my tribal weasel mongoose thing is so freaking boring and doesn't even really follow the prompt that well. The only "fantasy" element to it is it's a mongoose.

So I started thinking about what I could do to make a better design. I let myself think of something else just to distract from the prompt. Thought about how my hair always seems better suited for designs from the past rather than modern designs, like 30's, 40's, 50's designs... Then had an "ah-ha!" moment.

What if I tossed the 50's styles into a fantasy setting?

Now that sounds a lot more awesome :) I hate how I think of the good ideas so late into the game. Oh well, time to play catch up!

Sketch ideas so far:
[Image: 20120221-x3n6dr5fr8ijbxye9xgtgmhwyi.jpg]
I'm not sure where a good place to post this is, since I don't want to post in Dan's stream, but I figure I'd mention I'm streaming now if anyone wants to check it out:

I'm working on my Andalite piece from above :)
[Image: 20120226-tqs7yd1uf9dh1kxnhya464csrc.jpg]

I'm getting into this Zelda challenge now. At first I was a little hesitant to start because I never played the game. After researching the game and characters, I'm planning on going with something that's reminiscent of 17th century Dutch painters as far as the rendering goes. I'm not set in how I'll stylise the characters, but I thought taking the costume designs and having them be similar to the equivalent time period in history.

Here are some of my other compositions I tried out:
[Image: 20120226-fabx13ntny13afp8qwr1xwdd5a.jpg]

[Image: 20120226-jub1py8y5up7ax82rhrsfkmp4e.jpg]

I looked at horizontal compositions and tried to get the general layout and feel without getting too bogged down with the details of character placement. I think it helped. :)
[Image: 20120225-pcfnkfenxs9jmfnpnnquypf4yh.jpg]

Finally finished the rework! I've been working on this on and off between bloodsports, commissions and my retail job. I think it looks loads better than the original!

Would like to hear what you think :)
[Image: 20120303-gn3f3n1jnydh9ppuew8xapd8qg.jpg]

Colour comp for my sketch. Next step is detailing out the characters :)

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