What's going on, dudes and dudettes? My name is Jose, but my friends call me 'Joe' (cuz it's easier to say than Hoe-say!)
I've been drawing for a long time, but only recently got SERIOUS about it. I started, as most amateur artists, thinking that manga and anime were the shiznit, and if I knew how to draw manga and anime right, I wouldn't ever need to know anything about art, ever. I wanna go back in time and punch myself in the dick for thinking that.
My favorite artists are too many to name, but George Bridgman, Andrew Loomis and Kevin Chen are definitely in the top.
My main interest in art is figure drawing, and that's what I've been studying lately. I'm decidedly amateur, but I'm striving to improve myself.
Anywho, I've rambled long enough, so go check out my art on my sites on my signature, and critique the hell out of it. I FEED on critique, so don't go easy on me. I'm a big boy; I can take it.


'Sup Jose!

Welcome to the forums. As long as you want to improve, then you're in a good place. Head over to the sketchbook section and get your work up :}


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