Seeking Partner/Group dedicated to Pose/Expression study
I am looking for someone to study pose and expression (and inevitably some anatomy) with, I have long had trouble with showing emotion and action in my characters poses, eventually I want to work on character design in its entirety but I want to start in expression and pose. I think it would help to have someone to study with.

I am rather amateur as an artist as of yet and I generally follow the Anime/manga style however I am looking to branch out and pin down both more and less stylistic character designs.

My time zone is Mountain Standard Time and I am usually active between the hours of 10am and midnight. I am looking to spend several hours a day studying/drawing.

I'm 25 years old and have spent my years until now working in landscaping and labor, I decided to make a drastic career change and pursue art full time rather than the hobby I had been treating it as.

My email is [email protected] email me if you would like to discuss maybe partnering up for some studies. Fair warning though I am not sure what I'm doing so I will be guessing as to how to proceed from here.

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