My sketchbook,figure drawings and study
Hello awesome artists. I will be posting here my daily figure drawings and studies, and if you feel like giving some c&c I will appreciate them.
For my figure drawings I spend about half an hour each morning and the time for each drawing ranges from 1 min to max 5 min.

[Image: 3d7a185a_c.png]

[Image: aa820aa1_c.png]
Done some Sargent studies, the man is awesome with colors and I feel I understood more from these studies about skin tones then actually trying to figure out a photo.

[Image: sargent_study.jpg]

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[Image: sargent_study2.jpg]

So i did some skin studies, trying to render skin better, and I played around with the gradient map to change colors around. Crits are welcome :)

[Image: studiu_1.jpg]

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[Image: studiu_2.jpg]

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so here is this mornings 45 min study

[Image: girl_study_1.jpg]

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Here is another value study that I did today

Also if someone wants to see my portfolie you can see it here :

[Image: study_values.jpg]

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I would like some feedback or toughts on how to improve my drawings
So this is a sketch for a character concept i am workin on for a personal project.

He is a dark elf.wizard inspired by african tribes

[Image: 11358894_977534705598376_699979867_n.jpg...e=55707C22]
Hello ladies and gents , So I am working on this piece for a client, its for a card game, I would love to know how can I improove this, I now the lighting is bad but at this point I would kind of ruin it if I mess around with the light without knowing what I want

[Image: oroles.jpg]

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A new quick study that I did last night

[Image: kat.jpg]

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Some free hand perspective drawing and material study. I took Anthony Jones's advice to learn form by drawing perspective stuff free hand.

[Image: study.jpg]

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so I'm trying to learn how to stylize my characters by doing these exercises where I take a photo and try to do a stylized sketch, emphasizing posture to communicate expression

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quick 2 h study using only lines, trying to get more into sketching

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I'd suggest some construction studies, specifically from bridgeman. Some stuff is looking pretty solid like the anaimal stuff. I think bridgeman would really help you out though.

ps I'm doing a mentorship if you have any interest

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