zMessing around on this still.
[Image: malladus+sketch5.png]

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blah blah. What am I even doing, I don't know. but it feels wrong.
[Image: malladus+sketch7.png]

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All that facial study has really paid off! The anatomy work really shows through on your portraits, and even the crazy big monster guy there.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


Ah yes it's strange to just tap into the parts of my head that hold the knowledge haha. But it's there, I just need to surface it. And with his face I really struggled. It was hard! I went through various different version but FINALLY this new one made sense.

Finally getting somewhere, this feels the most right out of all the previous attempts!
[Image: MALLADUS.png]

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Wow, you're really pushing this piece man, looks like it's paying off too. Little improvements each time. Can't wait to see where it ends up :).

The image is coming along well. I like how the beast's face takes up more space in the image, and those massive corded arms.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


I appreciate the kind words!

After coloring the last lines a few times, playing with anatomy and separate compositions I just saw too much off the path I wanted. The mood wasn't there, the fear wasn't there. I was just concentrating on the lines and forgot what was important. So with a flash oh inspiration this sketch came out.
[Image: Loose.png]

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This one felt just too stiff when rendered. I'll keep looking. I need a good flow.
[Image: malladus+sketch5-2.png]

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This one goes out to those meat lovers in the crowd.
[Image: meaty.png]

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Really like where you ended up in post #404 hope you take that one further!
yeah I liked it too, it felt like the highest point I'd gotten to, but unfortunately it didn't end up being so. I tried a few times to add value to it, color, etc. It never felt right, I unraveled more and more problems. But I'm still working on this overall piece, hopefully the end product makes sense.

Heres some junk.
[Image: junk+sketch.png]
[Image: looking+sketch.png]

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I know I wanted a more Verticle layout, but I sure love these horizontal shots. This quick sketch might be fleshed out more. I like the idea but need to apply more interesting aspects and drama.

[Image: Malladus_Comp.png]
[Image: Malladus+Never+Ends.png]

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I tried a few more comps, and came back to this style. broken between Malladus being either up and close, also more monster esq, or back and just being summoned back to power. Flow feels better in these than past ones.

[Image: Comp_1.png]
[Image: Comp_2.png]

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Attempted to take the Adventure Time voice actors and make them into their characters. Some more stylized than others. This was fun and interesting.

Flame Princess, Lich, Marceline, Jake, Finn, PB, Prismo, Ice king.

[Image: AT_Sketches.png]

Loish over on DeviantArt is spectacular at drawing a female face. So I did a quick study of one of her older pieces. It's not a perfect replica and I don't want it to be. I'm just trying to get forms more imprinted in my brain. This helped. Also it was fun to guess the colors.

Checker her awesome gallery out on DA here.
[Image: loish.png]
[Image: loish_Study_2.png]
[Image: loish_Study_3.png]

And applying those studies here-
[Image: Freckles_April_24_2014.png]
[Image: Black_April_24_2014.png]
[Image: red_april_24_2014.png]

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Nice edge work dude!
Have you seen the original photo the last piece was based on? It's really incredible and maybe studying it will also be a nice lesson? :)

@Rainbowsorknives yeah lines are fun.
@denikina I have not! I just assumed she did it from imagination.

Starting to do caricatures. From a bust, from imagination, from photos.
[Image: C-Sketch_1.png]
[Image: c_Sketches_2.png]
[Image: Joel.png]
[Image: pierce.png]
[Image: Jim_April_28_2014.png]

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Here are a few more recognizable caricatures, also some random models.
[Image: Bryan_April_29_2014.png]
[Image: Aaron_April_29_2014.png]
[Image: girl-Sketches_April_29_2014.png]

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Starting my first full Caricature.
[Image: Magneto.png]

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Spent a little more time on this.
[Image: magneto_1.png]

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