Hey everyone
Hey guys
My name is Kuba and I've discovered this site (yep, just now!) through facebook. Although I've seen it before, never really dove into it and I've certainly never seen the forums.
Which are awesome.
I've been painting for some time now and what I've been really struggling with is the feedback, or lack thereof. I've been trying to put out stuff on CgHub, Deviantart and all these sites but what you get there are numbers, mostly. You start seeing yourself putting stuff out there just to resurface for a while. The quality of work basically isn't that important, and learning is super hard while you don't get much feedback. It's the thing Dan and Dave were talking about in some super old podcast, people just shoot out an 'awesome!', a meme, or a totally irrelevant comment. Don't have too many friends that are into art so I've been using facebook for following digital artists mostly. I guess I stagnated and swamped myself in commisions, without the best goddamn aspect of art, which is getting better and learning. I also tried to make a blog, and asked for feedback but didn't get too much traffic since I totally suck at advertising/networking or how do you call it.
I started painting while CgHub was still around, never got to use the 'sketchbook model' which apparently is the nuts for getting valuable feedback. Also, people here seem to be awesome and the work ethic and all this, I'm super pumped, so, hi! I hope to learn a lot with you guys as this seems to be a great place for it! 
Any clues about whaddya do now would be awesome :D (a sketchbook, a group?)

[Image: rUfiMf1.png]
Yaaaaaaaay, welcome to the Daggers, Kuba (awesome name btw)!

Hey, if you're looking for feedback, CD is easily in my (and many people's) eyes the best art forum of the present. Screw deviantART for feedback and even Facebook! Here, we're all about that sweet improvement. We look out for each other and only want the best for each other!

It's the initiative that counts of course, whatever you put into something, you'll get out. So if you're willing to provide others with constructive crits and feedback, hell, only great things can come from such a helpful deed!
I hear you on the whole blog thing and not being the best networker... seriously lol. In the end I just turned my daggers sketchbook into a sketchblog ^^;

Dang, you were posting around when CGHub was a thing!?
(I miss CGHub, so much cool art)

Nonono I'm super pumped you're here! *corny face*

For recommendations, I'd say firstly, make a le sketchbook! Post whatever you study, sketch and finish. We wanna see it all! No ego-patting here <3

Secondly, I'd urge you to check out Caisne's ABANDONED HIDEOUT thread:
This group is wonderful for crits and learning in general!

There's also the character, creature and scene generators, which are super fun to test your creative juices on:

And lastly, the useful mofo'ing resources thread ~ can't express how much I love this thread. It's absolute gold. I love it to biiiits!

So ya, that's just the tip of the iceberg for things to check out here at the Daggers!

Lookin' forward to what you've got in store for us! :D
I'll see you 'round for sure o/

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Hey smrr,
Thanks for the super warm welcome \ (•◡•) /
Yeah, Kuba is the same as Jakub which is basically Jacob.
I'll definitely try to do what you suggested, make a sketchbook and totally gonna join a group or find a study partner at some point!
And yeah, I've glimpsed at the resources and they are absolutely insane. Gonna sniff around there from time to time to not fry my brain loading too much at once.

Thank you and see you around! (☞゚ヮ゚)☞

[Image: rUfiMf1.png]

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