Looking for a critique partner
I'm looking for someone to partner with and critique each others work at the end of each week. So I guess it'd be a mentorship that goes both ways.

Someone roughly of my level of skill, to give and receive feedback that would help us both improve. Check my artstation for examples: http://artstation.com/artist/migno

Some (optional/misc) info about me:
I'm self-teaching myself concept art/entertainment design, I commit to a schedule to produce work, I don't skip one day of the week. I'm serious about improving my craft (but not so serious that I stop going out, taking a bath or lose my eye sight in the process)I'm 26y old (soon to be 27), from GMT timezone.

Feel free to message me about anything!
Wellllll, I was excited when I saw your post but then you know :D, you're millions of kilometers ahead of me so I can't really help :( so I hope you find your buddy to work with! Your art is amazing! Don't know where you want to get it to but it's definitely going places :D.

See you around!


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