Newbie reporting in
Hello everyone,

I'm a 18-year-old half-active hobbyist in need of inspiration and critique. I've been drawing for most of my life, but during the last couple of years I haven't had any inspiration whatsoever and therefore didn't draw anything if I didn't have to. Now the inspiration is creeping back and I'd seriously like to polish my skills. I don't really know how to describe my level of skill and knowledge at the moment, but so far my style of drawing people has basically been closer to the Japanese manga/anime stuff than the Western style. Perhaps it's that I'm too lazy to look at Loomis and just sketch around for practise. I'm certainly quite a bit worse than those guys who come here and say they need to get their behinds kicked because they're so bad. I'd like to get better at drawing in general, but I'm not aiming to become a professional at any point.

I've lurked 4chan's /ic/ board for some time now and some Anon referred to Crimson Daggers and described CD to be a similar place without the utter negativity of the Anons at /ic/. Then I came here.

My Deviantart page is here and it has some of the works I consider to be the better ones I've drawn.

I mostly draw with a pencil and coloured pencils, and I plan on getting a tablet sometime soon.

So. Here we go then. Don't be too easy on me, dA is terrible for critique (and my friends, even the ones who are better at art than me, won't criticize anything I do) and /ic/ is scary and full of trolls. Thanks in advance and nice days to everyone reading this :)


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