Aspiring Artist
As a digital artist I have mainly been self taught, and while I have had some great teachers to help me along the way I am always open to joining a new community of artists.  I enjoy critiques and feedback of any kind.  I am hoping to be able to receive suggestions from more experienced artists than myself, so if you see any of my pieces of artwork and know how I could improve on it, please let me know.  

Sadly I do not have an abundance of extra time being that I am currently enrolled in a collegiate level Video Game Design program and plenty of side projects that I am working on.  I do want to make more time to work on my artwork though, and hopefully I will be able to get back into the routine of drawing at least one picture a week.

My original goal when I started to create digital artwork was to become a concept artist.  I am still hoping to work on concept art someday, however, getting a job doing pretty much any sort of work in the Video Game Design industry would be great!  

I have worked on a few commissioned pieces, and I am open to taking on more freelance jobs in the future, so let me know if you are interested in commissioning or hiring me.


My YouTube Channel
McJohn Art

My DeviantART Account


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