Just registered!
Hello Crimson Daggers,

I have longed to go freelance and become a digital artist as my career but I've held myself back following other career opportunities. I've done quite well on my CV but I feel I've lost a lot of time focusing on getting projects out the door instead of getting better at drawing and painting as I should have been.

So brief history: After working in film for a bit and animation/arch viz, I worked in games as an environment artist at Frontier for 3.5 years becoming a senior there. Then I went off to Crytek in Frankfurt and worked on Ryse (big xbox one launch title) where I was made Lead Artist and did some Art Direction. Since then I moved to Sony London studio where I currently work now as Environment Art Lead (with some Art Direction duties again).

Most of my work in recent years (especially at Sony) has been leading and directing so I feel I'm losing a lot of skills.. Anyway long story short. I'm here to learn how to paint digitally so I can open up opportunities at work as well as options to work free lancing on different projects and become a better artist. Who knows eventually I might work form home!

If anyone knows where to start I'd love some advice. I have some drawing skills but I'm not a professional level yet by any means. I'd love to join a class or some people who can help me to keep motivated and perhaps I can share some industry knowledge for anyone looking into getting into environment art in the games industry.

I don't really know which area of concept art/illustration I'd like to specialise in, right now I just want to start creating art again and see what happens.

I look forward to meeting you all,

Wow, you look pretty professional to me! Grin

Welcome to Crimson Daggers, man. You're already doing great, and you can only do better from here!

Start up a Sketchbook if you'd like, and please feel free to give critiques and help other people on their journey.

You can also join the Velvet Revolvers if you wanna get involved with a study group.

Keep working hard! Thumbs_up It's an ever-reaching climb to awesome, and it never ends, haha. Grin


 Join our Study Group: The Velvet Revolvers!  Let's work hard together!
Heya Jason, welcome on board! Great resume.
Yep like Book said, start up a sketchbook and let's see what you got!
I'd be happy to drop in with some crits for you, and as I am a freelance environment designer it would be great to chat with you and maybe even get your feedback and insight on my stuff, from an AD's point of view!

I'm almost loathe to mention it to someone of your experience, but I am currently running a free 8 week long 2d environment design course here in the forums. We are in week 2 at the moment, you can check it out and follow along if you want. I'm sure the class would benefit from your experience as well. Check it out here. http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-6851.html

Welcome man, and great job on taking the steps back into the art side!

 YouTube free learnin! | DeviantArt | Old Folio | Insta
Hey Jason, welcome to the Daggers-!

I find it highly respectable that - even with your success in the industry, you're not happy with where you're at and are going to buckle down, kick some butt and achieve your true goals.

Seriously man, that's awesome.

Bookend and Amit both suggested some great things to check out. Hmm, for resources, I can't help but recommend this thread:

I learned an absolute ton from going through the links in that ^ thread.

I can't wait to see what you've got in store (I hope ya decide to make a sketchbook)!

Have a great and hope to see ya 'round!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Bookend - Thanks man, I'll get a sketchbook started soon and I'll post in the Velvet Revolvers study group. Not sure how it all works yet but I guess I'll figure it out.

Amit - I am going to start your course today, I was hoping you'd suggest dropping in on your course!!. I'll be a bit behind but hopefully I'll catch up quick. :/ I'm totally open to swapping feedback and I can give you crits from an AD point of view of course. :) As above I don't really understand the format, where to post etc. just yet so apologies if it's all arse ways at first.

smrr - Thanks for the encouragement and the link, I'll check it out today. Lots to learn!
Awesome Jason, if you get cracking on the assignments, all you have to do is post your finals <1200px wide in the class thread for assignment 1 and 2. You will have missed the deadlines for those (assignment deadlines are generally Friday evenings NZ time), but I will still be able to have a look at your stuff.

For future assignments, as well as posting in the class threads when done, use the submission form here:
If your submission is successful you should see your work pop up in the appropriate folders below and when I do video crits they also pop up as soon as I upload them. I might not be able to guarantee you a crit every week, as I start with all the registered folk first (up to 45!) and in any time remaining I have I will take on the rest time permitting. You can still learn from all the other feedback and come hang out during the weekly livestream (Tuesday/Wednesday NZ time)

That's about it mate. The site and the first post in the class thread explains everything you need to know. There are a few teething issues as this is a first trial, but it seems to be working ok so far. Glad to have you on board!

 YouTube free learnin! | DeviantArt | Old Folio | Insta

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