Big Grin 
My Name is Michi,

I got to know this site through an levelup interview with Dave Rapoza.

My goal is to become a professional 2d artist, to improve my creative skillset, to create some cool artpieces and have fun along the way :) 

I started drawing digitally About 3 years ago. Eversince I have journeyed from traditional oilpainting on to learning digital painting to 3d modelling and sculpting and only very recently back to painting 2d.

At the moment I´m working on my portfolio and this made me realize, that constructive critic and inspiration from likeminded folks is very important to tackle the little problems, that happen in the paintingprocess, especially when it comes to rendering for hours. Sometimes a set of fresh eyes makes all the difference.

I ´m super excited to have found this artcommunity and hope to learn, be inspired by you guys and create cool artwork.

Hello Michi, nice to see you here : )
I'm very excited to see your sketchbook here. It would be nice to see some of your traditional works too : )
I hope this community will inspire and support you :3 Have fuN!


nice to see you too :D
Will post the traditional stuff from the sketchgroup. I´ve allready looked through a ton of amazing artworks (yours included ;)) so I´m super excited and motivated allready.


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