My goals for the next 2 months!
Hey there,

i just got into the forum so maybe i should introduce myself. I am a 23 year old from Germany and i started drawing like 3 or 4 months ago. I mostly did figure drawing and other fundamentals and i want to continue that for the next 2 months.

Until the 10th of May, i will work everyday on

- geometry / perspective
- portraitdrawing (loomis approach)
- figure drawing (proko)
- shading (not many good resources yet, any tips?)
- proportions

Besides that i want to finish one oil color study and one big linoleum cut which im currently doing at my uni.
On the Color Study i will work several times a week, for the linoleum cut at least once a week.

I will post my progress at least 2 times a week here in my personal sketchbook

I´m doing that to improve my fundamentals so i can apply those skills to my works at a later stage.

If smaller things should chance i will write it down here
Good luck!

Nice! As for shading, Proko did a video about shading only: maybe this helps a bit.

thank you!
i will check the proko one out for sure!

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