Crylica Kress sketchbook
Hello this is Crylica
I'm going to try post a painting per day, to build up an art habit so eventually im practising a few hours a day
The paintings below are the best of my work over the last year, mostly fanart and a study or two. Constructive criticism is highly welcomed!
[Image: kindred_by_shiafira-d9c0pqa.jpg][Image: jimin_by_crylica_kress-d9pq2k1.jpg][Image: krenz_cushart_study_by_crylica_kress-d9v6h4r.jpg][Image: alice_mare___white_rabbit_by_crylica_kress-d9zcvez.jpg][Image: duet_by_crylica_kress-d9ymxrm.jpg]

also does someone know how to format these images easier onto this thread? ive never used a forum before and im quite lost

Hey, don't have much advice right now (it's really late LOL), but your SB looks to be off to a good start! Just keep practicing. Looking forward to your next post.

P.S. I'd suggest uploading at a larger resolution so we can really see what is going on. It's hard to crit much when the painting is really really teeny. :)

EDIT: Sorry, just saw you were asking for help with image formatting! It can be tricky to find the right resolution. You have a program like PS if you are painting, so you are able to save in a variety of formats and resolutions. I tend to use jpegs about 800-1000 pixels wide, if that helps. CD will auto-shrink your things to fit on the page, so that the full size won't show unless you click on it. All the same, it is much easier to deal with images that are about the width of the page.

"Drawing is a skill like hammering a nail. You might not be great at it yet, but there is nothing stopping you from gettin' down and hammering away." -Irshad Karim

[Image: 98f9c2aa06.jpg][Image: hands_study_by_crylica_kress-d9zl48e.jpg]
colour study, i didnt focus much on getting the anatomy right, but please tell me how to improve on the colours and values of this! also thank you to ivan, the original artist of the piece (mine is the bottom one)

@saggitarius sorry i didnt want to spam the thread with old art so i downsized it, ill leave it at full size from now on but thanks for the advice!

[Image: 13055888_1712427322346987_6933693842515960632_o.jpg]


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