Dove's goals
Hello there!
I thought a lot about posting my personal goals for sometime because I was mainly afraid that I will fail and look dumb but... failing is what makes good art right? I want to work smarter and harder at the same time with these goals.
But here's some main ones I'm working towards now.

1. Getting better at communication - I'm very, very shy straight up. I even get some social anxiety when talking to people here too. I want to cut that bull crap away, or at least be able to communicate well and make friends- but more than that, do well on my career.

2. Get a career in art - I want to work in a medium to small size studio to be honest. Not the big names, but just work in a normal sized job. Maybe someday I'll change my mind, but regardless I want to start small and work my way up.

3. Become a good artist - Well, duh! I want to inspire others like how I inspired myself back in elementary and middle school with art. Also I want to make some really cool things too that others can enjoy honestly.

Right now I have small goals that will work up to my big ones.

>Independence - just be able to do my daily activities consistently (health, schoolwork, and personal goals)
>Do 10 min drawing warm ups for 7 days straight - right now I broke it on the 19th by sleeping all day unfortunately.
This is for being consistent as well.
>on 6/17, be able to do the rotated box exercise from drawabox in lesson 1 - I think this deadline is reasonable to me. I never really set up deadlines for myself so we'll see, what's important the most is I learn something hopefully.

This is sort of a medium goal: To make my own 3D game. I've been working on this on and off by researching as well as watching videos and taking notes.

I'm not too worried about my big goals, but they are in my mind. I'm really striving for those small ones because if I learned anything the most is that you have to go through the first steps before taking step 2.

I'm feeling positive and happy thinking about my goals and having deadlines and such. This is big for me because I took a break after going to high school (due to depression, the usual) for a year before going to college and I felt miserable not doing anything all day. I won't say I'm having difficulty getting myself back up, but it's much better than how I was before.

I admit that I'm not having 'fun' drawing lines and perspective, but I just need to remind myself that it's only for a short time and that I'll feel much better having confidence in the fundamentals.

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