CC4: Jonny's Comic
Fantastic work and work ethic Jonny! Very proud of you man!
Some crits, and I'm sure they will come at you during the crit/judging sessions but those tone patterns you used could probably be integrated a little better for a more consistent look. The combination of dot patterns and the other type of hatching I find a little too disjoint. Especially in the last major panel, I find that hatching more distracting to the image, than anything, as much as I like the texture.
Anyway good job buddy!

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Thanks dude! I agree about the tones, it was the one area I hadn't really planned out, I just knew I'd probably add tones at the end, . when inking I got carried away with hatching but didn't do enough to make things pop so ended up adding the tones in addition. Another thing learned for next time! Is that last big panel texture distracting? I thought it was dramatic with the white spaces and contrast to the rest of the panels.

Comic book creator
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