Lindsey Lou's Loosen Up
Page for all my pre-masterpiece warm ups in-

10 second, 15 second, 30 second, 45 second, 60 second & 90 second intervals.

Figure drawings
Object drawings
Negative space drawings

The aim of the game here is not to be a spectacular artist but a Well Oiled one Thumbs_up on the contrary, i expect the majority of the work here to be refreshingly bad and topsy turvy, but nevertheless it will be proof of productivity x

Anyone who wants to get in on this is more than welcome to post their Warm ups here also :D lets get crackalackin' Sun

Big Grin 
Today- 15 second intervals: figures

Yesterday- 90 second intervals: figures/gestures

Hello and welcome! Nice start :) What I'd personally advise is to do some human construction with boxes/spheres or oter basic shapes in perspective. It helps a lot to be able to visualize it in 3d


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