Dan Warren's deathline- HALFWAY MARK
Hard to believe 6 months have gone by already, but thats the way it is.

As such, my deathline term is halfway over. and its time for an evaluation.

This challenge was always about hard truths and realizing how fast things can fall out of your control. Its about having some successes as well as being able to openly identify and admit failures. Im going to do that here in order to better help me go forward with the next half of my challenge.

6 months ago, i set my goals as:
1) to finish a new professional portfolio
2) to become self sustaining entirely off freelance
3) to lose 100 lbs and get into shape.

my reactions thus far, in order-

1) portfolio development is going great. between jobs, challenges, and personal work, my speed, ability, and productivity are all on the rise. im taking more risks and finishing more work than ever before. its still difficult, but its very possible. I think my status with this is right on track.

2) my income is still very low. despite my improvements, im still at a mid level for freelance, usually getting work from undercutting competition and from repeat customers. im definitely makin g more than i was before, but it still isnt enough. ill have to work hard to build a work portfolio in the coming months, instead of just a larger portfolio, to maximize my results. things seem to be improving, just not as much as i had hoped.

3) ive lost 30 lbs total from my peak weight of 375. im floating around 345 at the moment, and working hard to lose more fast. though i am under my 6 month target of 50 lbs, i can easily accept responsability for it for a number of reasons. ive been dieting well, but as work has increased ive cut corners with exercise- almost eliminating weight training in favor of just swimming due to convenience. this isnt on the table anymore. ive started up p90x, am resuming the swimming, and am dialing back my diet even further to make sure i get to my goal by november. Im not where i wanted to be in terms of weight, but fortunately its my own fault and something i can easily change for the positive.

I hope everyone is seeing more positive improvement than negative. some failure is necessary with goals as hard as these, so dont get discouraged. prioritize in a rotating schedule, and do what you have to do to get where youre going.

Good luck and Godspeed!


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