Mario's Sketchbook - Journey from novice to professional Concept Artist/Illustrator.
Hi everyone. I just recently joined after hearing alot of good things about this forum, even if it may now be a shell of it's former self years ago. I've always enjoyed looking through other artists' sketchbooks and it seriously inspires and humbles me when I see how much they've progressed over time through hard work and persistence. So I thought it would be nice to also upload and document my progress over the next few years and share it with everyone. 

FYI, there's gonna be alot of terrible work and shit sketches/studies. Most of it will be from reference and maybe only like 5-10% is from imagination/without reference - it'll be easy to tell them apart lol. Sometimes I'll end up with something that looks somewhat decent, and sometimes my sketches will look like I just discovered drawing a few days ago tbh - especially sketches from imagination. Anyway, it's part of the long process of learning so I'll try to not be embarrassed and post everything regardless. I will post weekly and upload everything I've done that week - except maybe all the 30s-1min gestures since there's too many. 

Even though I might have bad days/weeks of not drawing or painting as much, I'll make a promise (mainly to myself) to keep uploading until I make it as a professional or start getting my first few freelance work. 

So for my first post, here is what I've done during the past 2 or so weeks - it's all traditional sketches, but I'll be starting to do some digital stuff this week too.

Also, please don't hold back on giving any sort of harsh criticism or feedback whatsoever, as I'll really appreciate anything to help me improve. Feel free to point out any mistakes you see or changes you feel are needed - thanks!

Nice Man, Happy to see what you've been up to! 

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Good stuff man!
There's occasionally a drawing with some wonky proportions/Construction, but props for your effort!

Keep re-visiting those fundamentals and draw what you love, you'll definitely reach your goals;

I'd recommend taking up some tutorials or digital classes on how to properly think in 3D when you draw;
This site has a great resources board, and you could look up sites like SVS and Schoolism

(01-25-2018, 01:05 AM)HIRVIOS Wrote: Good stuff man!
There's occasionally a drawing with some wonky proportions/Construction, but props for your effort!

Keep re-visiting those fundamentals and draw what you love, you'll definitely   reach your goals;

I'd recommend taking up some tutorials or digital classes on how to properly think in 3D when you draw;
This site has a great resources board,  and you could look up sites like SVS and Schoolism

Hey! Cheers for the comment and feedback! Yeah I agree there are quite a few badly proportioned sketches since I pretty much never construct anything - it's just always straight to the contour and lines, which I do need to fix later on. I'll keep practicing and will rewatch some Proko's videos and read more of the figure and anatomy books I have.

As for the digital classes, I'm absolutely terrible at digital painting and it's always a huge struggle. I can't hide bad mistakes with extra lines like in traditional pen/pencil drawings, and so they easily show. Tho I think I'll try practicing studies for at least 6 months, maybe even 10-12 before I think about taking some Schoolism courses -  want to at least have a solid basic understanding first. Again, thanks for the comment man!
Some digital work. Hardly any work done recently - mainly because I've been slightly lazy no excuses, but also partly due to the fact I'm currently really bad at painting on PS and it usually puts me in a really bad mood. Disappointed, but I'll try pick up the slack by the next time I post.


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