Jones Sketchbook
Thanks Forest, I'll keep it in mind when I start painting with more color.


Been taking it easy, only sketched for about an hour yesterday, and did this still life study today. Planning on doing more soon. Wrote a list and tacked it to my wall beside me of things I want to improve with, so I cant say 'I don't know what to paint' Gathering some reference images as well for those idea's floating around.

I was fighting against time with the still life, I had no lights on and just natural light from my window, was halfway done but the day was rapidly getting darker haha. Learned a lot from some mistakes I made, like the shadows on the onion are pretty muddy gonna try another set up tomorrow with an apple and silver looking box.

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killer onion
Yeahhh dude ! awesome still life :D ! another step foward !
Definitely going in the right direction! Keep up those still life studies. Watch your saturation levels when you start getting in the shadows, you can probably push the color a bit further.
This is a good study, you are really improving

Hey Dude, Really good still life study, excellent! you should go back to the one you did of the tablet tube and put them next to each other and you'll really see how much great progress you're making! Keep it up!

thanks for the comments everyone & thanks Corey, Will watch those.


Been taking it easy, started playing a bit of video games lately, Kinda refreshed my imagination. but before I get into those idea's, I figured I should do some imagination portraits, and try to apply what I've been learning. Learned a few things while doing them as well, limited myself to a chalk brush, and just lowered opacity to blend.

Also a question for anyone, What's the best setting to down size images? I've been using bicubic sharper, but it seem's to make my images look too sharp.

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I been real lazy, getting back to it though. Also trying to get used to changing how I hold a pencil & stylus, Always used the writing position but am going for a tripod type grip now.

Male Imagination portraits from a few days ago, pirate giant last night used ref for the parrot, and some torso studies using the new grip (top right torso is horrible, kept trying to draw it over and said **** it and moved on lol)

going to keep up with portraits, got the facial planes pages out of the loomis book, so I'll be studying that soon. Going to help a lot, my faces are pretty odd at the moment.

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Got myself two small sketchbook's, gonna be drawing in them a lot, ref used for a few things. Just traced the figure I drew for the clothed females. Used a ref for the original figure, but looking now I perceived the one leg pretty wrong, gotta take a step back more often.
Really enjoying drawing with a pencil for a change, I've been seeing a lot of artists processes and most include preliminary drawings - it makes sense why they would to. I'm feeling excited for more drawing, trying to get into a more proficient schedule, seem to always be tired lately.

Seem's the forums have been very active lately, really great to see. This place and the people in it are awesome :)

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your last torso studies were pretty good, keep going mate!

good work, but it would be nice to see more life drawings and studies. cant stress to people how important practicing is and not just trying to do imagination stuff. anyways keep it up!
Keep up the studies! its looking good!

Thanks guys. Got to more still life drawing, I want to be working harder and more, just need to put more into it. Bottom is a starting to something I might try and push.

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It's great to see you apply torso studies to imagination pieces. Why not try the other way around. Take some problems you've found from some imagination stuff and then do studies to support that. I guess you're doing it already though. Great steady work ethic you've got and you're burning for that improvement. Awesome stuff Jones!

Keep up the good work, but... that last one is kinda freaky :)

Thank's guys, trying to work hard and strive for improvement.

Been low on motivation lately, and tired all the time - Thinking I'm sick with something, anyway here's a bit of progress.

Gonna change some things with how I work, I'm noticing reoccurring pattern's and I haven't been pushing much of my paintings. Going to try refining line work before painting, use a value scale for awhile and get my ass doing thumbnails to plan things out. Also I want to be working a lot longer each day then I am.

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Hey the dude/dudette with two swords is kinda cool. Why not push the values in that? Keep it up Jones!

Thank's for the encouragement Lewis!, Pushed it further - going to try and finish it tomorrow, gonna do some metal and sword studies first thing in the morning.

Also some face studies, Didn't spend long blending and rendering just went get the basic shape and shadow down.

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Your doing great. Your values imrpoved, that's for sure. Just keep pushing. Cheers

Thank's for the encouragement Ramalooke!

I think my understanding of form is improving, still a long way's to go. gonna call the dual sword guy done, and then I started this sketch which was really fun and just pushed it. 3 - 4 hours crappy gif at the bottom.

Feel's like I've improved a bit, or at least am trying harder/pushing. Want to keep it up though.

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