Pushin' though hard times.
Color stuff. A tom scholes study and a fan art sketch.

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.
A study and some early character concepts.

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.
Alll the charactersss.

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.
Stillife in pencil.

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.
These character designs are coming along quite nicely. Playing around with simple shapes to make some interesting overall designs. Pretty cool.
@Dennis: Thanks! HaHa that was the intention :D So cool someone noticed!

Some early concepts for the character designs. They suck I know. Just consider how long it takes to do 20 character concept plus all the try out sketches beforehand.

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.
Some color things. Fan art stuff blergh.

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.
@Sketchosoph: Thank you :D

Some stuff.

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.
More characters.

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.
I've recovered from my sickness finally. Which however also means all my adult responsibilities are coming back, too. I now have to balance my art life with my being a responsable and productive adult life. I don't want to whine or anything. I just have to keep a good balance. Sorry if I might be more inactive than usual. Sometimes thing will just get kinda busy.

A lot of you know how it is. Let work through it together. I do wanna be an freelance illustrator. I just have to strive for that goal in a smart way. (Yes I watched Amit's S.m.a.r.t. Goals video recently haha)

Anyway here is some junk.

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.
More fan art concepts.

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.
The last two of my 20 characters. Now I have to conceptualise 3 scenes with at least 3 characters each. Ho boy.
Why don't I have infinite time?

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.
Just a sketch today.

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.
Early sketches and a study.

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.
More fan art concept sketches. Color yaay. I need to get over my fear of sketching in public.

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.
I caught a slight cold. Fall is coming :/

Here is a sketch anyways.

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.
Just updating.

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.
Just a sketch. Sorry im spending a lot of my free time to finish up my challenge.

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.
i really enjoyed this sketchbook, and that aromred pidgeon man is freaking awesome, id totally wear that strawberry armor i bet it also smells like strawberrys.



When in doubt ask yourself, what would scooby do?
(10-01-2016, 10:31 PM)dawckward Wrote: i really enjoyed this sketchbook, and that aromred pidgeon man is freaking awesome, id totally wear that strawberry armor i bet it also smells like strawberrys.

Thanks a lot! Haha i hope it smells like fresh strawberrys and not like that artifical aroma.

Okay just some old pencil stuff. I kinda slept through the weekend. -__-'

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.

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