Yog Joshi's Sketchbook
Day 108
[Image: opticalgrey_feb20th.jpg]
a quicker study. Here I was practicing an optical grey illusion technique I learned today in painting class. The painting is still a little muddy.

sweet yogalogger

nice! better and better everytime
@ brentatent thanks dude!
@ Trobino thanks yo, hearing that makes me want to work even harder!
[Image: doodle_feb17th.jpg]
some done from photo ref and some done from memory

[Image: humancentipede02_feb22nd.jpg]
bout 2 hour study. ref from human centipede 2

Day 110
[Image: southfrance02_01.jpg]
Brainstorming for an album cover for a friend

[Image: landscape+with+ikaruga02_feb26th.jpg]
[Image: landscape+with+ikaruga02_feb26th.jpg]
So I am trying to break into the whole landscape business. My friend Ikaruga encouraged me! Both of us will be challenging each other on a weekly basis. This past week it was fantasy landscape.

[Image: landscapestudiesikaruga_feb27th.jpg][Image: landscapestudiesikaruga_feb27th.jpg]

cool stuff man

loving your studies yog. nice shit.

@ Brent and Morgan, thanks guys! i love both of you!
[Image: indianman_feb28th.jpg]
I was painting with gouache and then i uploaded it and added digital touches to it. Ahh this is a MAJOR FAIL! the eyes are off and ahh not good anatomically. But hey failure is human! I did learn from this painting. I think i might be onto a new style. I gotta do more of this!

Day 117/365
[Image: yogselfport_feb29th02.jpg]
r10min study eh supposed to be me lol. Iv been painting traditionally in my oil painting class and I am trying to emulate a similar look with my digital painting. Currently I am working on a Rembrandt study in the class so I can say that he is a great influence to my work! I really enjoy this style!

[Image: southfrance0302.jpg]
And album cover I am working on for a friend.

howdy Yog,
i like what i'm seeing here man, especially the studies. i think doing more of those will really help out. love the way the landscapes are starting to look, push a bit more texture into them too ;)

your color usage is definitely getting better man.

Yeah your colors are getting better. I really like this one http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ewNm0nnIjgk/T0...eb26th.jpg

I hope you will finish it. Cheers

@sickbrush, thanks sir! your words are a motivation to me. great advice! ill try to incorp more texture in.
@brent, thanks dawg! you are my ultimate source of inspiration. observing your worth ethics and awesome work keeps pushing me!
@ramalooke, thankss alot!
Day118 out of 365
[Image: creatureoldthing_march02.jpg]
[Image: aghori_march2nd.jpg]
2hr10min study from photo ref. I used a black and white photo, so the colors are made up. face is kinda messed up.
[Image: southfrance0503.jpg]
wip for an album cover

can't wait until that cover is done. keep the studies rolling in and keep up that great progess. you're doing very well
@Trobino, thanks dude! : )
Day 125 out of 365
[Image: southfrance0504.jpg]
more update on the album cover
[Image: desert_march8th.jpg]
[Image: fatman_march9th.jpg]
A face from memory
[Image: doodle_march9th.jpg]
A doodle!

[Image: toughman_march09.jpg]
Painting from imagination. 1.30 hrs

Day 131
[Image: rembrandt.jpg]
An Incomplete study of a Rembrandt painting made with oil paints. Received help from my teacher
Patrick Lee. Thanks a lot!

[Image: figuredraw_march13th.jpg]
[Image: figuredraw_march7thth.jpg]


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