questions on art
Hi guys I'm collecting data for a Uni project about digital art changing the art market and want people in the industry to answer these questions. It won't take long and would really help and be much appreciated 

If there are any artists would you be able to answer these :

  1. How has the emergence of digital art affected your creative process and the way you distribute and monetise your artwork?
  2. What do you perceive as the main challenges and benefits of working with digital art compared to traditional mediums?
  3. How important is an online presence and social media for your career as an artist, and how do you navigate these platforms?
  4. What are your thoughts on the use of AI in creating artwork, and how do you think it will impact the art world in the future?

If there are any collectors would you please answer these:

  1. What attracts you to digital art, and how does it differ from your interest in traditional art forms?
  2. How do you discover and purchase digital artwork, and what platforms or methods do you prefer?
  3. What concerns, if any, do you have about the authenticity, ownership, and long-term value of digital art pieces?
  4. How do you think the rise of digital art will change the way people collect and invest in art in the future?
i hope to get some feedback thanks so much !
I guess I could try but I don't know if I have great answers to these.

1. Digital art emerged before I was born so I don't have a great answer to that. Digital is definitely just another tool or medium for artists. But It definitely has become my preferred way to sketch and explore ideas, I don't really draw in a physical sketchbook much anymore.

2. Biggest benefit of digital over traditional art is flexibility. There's no waiting for paint drying, there's no cost of canvases and paper, there's no storage space. You can try a totally new direction for an image without deleting the previous one. It allows complete exercise of your whims. The downside is that there can actually be too many tools which are distracting and over-complicating to beginners especially. It also takes work to create the same effects that traditional medium provides easily. Digital paint isn't real, so you need to simulate brush marks and imperfections in the surface that add life to paintings, and this often isn't as satisfactory as the real thing.

3. I think it's really important in this day and age to at least think about your online presence. I've been thinking about increasing my presence a lot to try and find more work. However, a lot of the opportunities that you are offered on social media are not really good positions, they are cheap commissions, scams, and promotions. So it is kind of a mixed bag. Still, you won't get many jobs if nobody knows you exist.

4. AI art is incredibly sad to me. At this point it possesses all the technique to make beautiful renderings, but with zero consciousness and humanity. The renderings are pretty, but when you actually think about them you realize they are just nonsense and very superficial. Plus it uses artist's work without permission. I think it will certainly displace a lot of artists because companies will use it for advertising and anything else they can. But like with the advent of photography it will not render fine art obsolete by any means.


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