Anyone need a mentor?
I'm trying to see how active this forum still is, is anyone looking for a mentor? 

I'm looking to practice my teaching ability and wouldn't mind taking on 1-2 beginners that want to learn the basics of illustration and concept art.


Miguel Coronado III

-experience in character design, RPG Illustration, Video game development pipeline, concept art for production
-class name: Introduction to Professional Art
-willing to take on 1-2 students at a time
-Bi-weekly meetings on stream with weekly critiques
-classes to include homework assignments, in depth paint-over and critique, discussion and analysis of work as it develops.
-classes to begin TBD

I'm honestly looking to test run this and if people find value, I'll transition it to a Patreon system with proper discord. For now I'd like to keep it free and open to Crimson Dagger members as a way to pay it forward. 

You can find me work here:
I work for Turn Me Up Games and have been with them for about 9 years
I have experience in the board game and RPG industry creating illustrations and work as a concept artist working in a 3d production pipeline for Unreal Engine. 

If you are interested in a mentorship you can reply here or email me at Miguel (at)

Livestream Crits/Paintovers:
Loomis Study videos:

My Facebook page: MCIII

I never went to art school, but I did love art as a child and teenager. I even got pretty good at drawing. But during high school, I was so focused on other things I dropped my hobby and never picked it back up again. Now I'm a grown man in my late 30s and have no idea how to draw. I've been out of the game so long I literally forgot everything. Meh

I wouldn't mind a chance to learn all the things I wanted to learn as a younger person, but never did. I guess it'll depend on how much time you're willing to commit, considering you're advertising this opportunity as free. For now, I have some time available to me, and the price is right. 


By the way, in case you're wondering, I've been a member of this forum since 2016, mostly lurking. But I cannot access my old account, so now I'm using this one.

Ask, and it will be given to you
seek, and you will find
knock, and the door will be opened to you.
Matthew 7:7

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