(Tapered Shimmer)

Registration Date: 06-28-2014
Date of Birth: June 18
Local Time: 12-22-2024 at 01:08 AM
Status: Offline

vymnis's Forum Info
Joined: 06-28-2014
Last Visit: 01-23-2015, 01:04 PM
Total Posts: 68 (0.02 posts per day | 0.05 percent of total posts)
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Total Threads: 3 (0 threads per day | 0.04 percent of total threads)
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Time Spent Online: 5 Days, 9 Hours, 7 Minutes
Members Referred: 0
Reputation: 0 [Details]
Additional Info About vymnis
Sex: Male
Bio: currently a student attending college for my associates in illustration hoping to move on to get a ba or even an ma in illustration at ccs in michigan or Savannah school of art and design in georgia

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