Goal to become environment concept artist
Hey guys, I'm 19 and studying animation at AUB. Ultimate goal is to become environment concept artist for Naughty Dog. Brutal Crit if possible! I've had my conceptart.org sketchbook since I was about 16 so I'll put the link here  http://www.conceptart.org/forums/showthr...-MannionJJ but this seems to be the best forum I've found. Attached is a mix of some stuff: 

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Welcome to Crimson Daggers MannionJJ2020!

Nice start here. Your perspective on that last piece looks pretty good, nice work.

On that first piece be careful with the cloud, it looks more like a big rock at the moment, I'd suggest studying some photo references to see what you can pick up.

Keep going :).

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

Thanks for the advice Artloader! I finished the Last Guardian Secret Santa but crit still very welcome. Also some other stuff for uni assignments:

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Hey Mannion. Welcome to the Crimson Daggers. No crits from me. Just hoping you'd stay consistent with your pace.

Quote:Ultimate goal is to become environment concept artist for Naughty Dog

I'll take the liberty to suggest this class to supplement your current art regimen: Environment Design Rocks by Amit Dutta (http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-6851.html).

It's pretty comprehensive, and the course materials are excellent, vids and all. Try it out. Put yourself through that wringer. I think razvanc-r, a fellow dagger, is going through the classes.. In that sense, you won't be going through it alone. Not sure how active the class mentor will be since it's been awhile since it's been really active.

Hope to see you around more often.

If you are reading this, I most likely just gave you a crappy crit! What I'm basically trying to say is, don't give up!  
IG: @thatpuddinhead
Welcome Mannion. As John here says, I'm going through EDRocks which is pretty cool, too bad I am a year late to the party but oh well will do what I can with what I have and it would be really cool to have someone to work with on the assignments, exchanging ideas, crits etc. Have a look and see if you like what you see. Hope to see you "in class"! :)

Some thumbnails, studies and attempts to improve the painting of the cloud castle from a couple of posts back. Really can't get it to work, any feedback really appreciated! I haven't been focusing on the background, just the building and trying to focus on shape repetition, soft light, small medium and large masses and establishing a focal point

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Hmm, I like your start here in good perspective. Since you're placing this building thing, there isn't anything I'd change with that, it's just the background. It's very flat and like a few skill levels behind the building. Some good things you could try is adding diff shapes in the mountain ranges on the right side, and maybe adding some mountians or rocks on the left and show some depth with like rocks or mountains in the distance.

Also, have the building sitting on something interesting looking, even if it's urbam, the ground its sitting on can be busted up or rocky and jagged, here's some stuff to inspire you


70+Page Koala Sketchbook: http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-3465.html SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits! http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-7879.html
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Thanks for the crit and inspiration Fedodika! Here are some more thumbnails, some studies and some 2 imagination thumbnails trying to apply what I'd learnt:

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I don't know a whole lot about environments but I do see the beginning of an epic journey of hard work here.

One thing I have to comment on; I know you're trying to be quick and loose in your thumbnail sketches but try to make your brush strokes as "focused" as possible. There are a lot of jagged edges and bits of debris in some of your images.

Quick one with the mouse

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Added some tone to bedroom study and some sketchup thumbs for a project entitled 'Artisan's studio' for uni:

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Hello! Apologies for lack of updates, need to get back on it :) 
Having finished the first year of my animation degree, I've assigned myself a project considering what would happen if the Tudors continued to rule in England, how the world would be different. I've created a domestic tudor house which I am going to model in 3Ds Max and then create a final digital painting when exporting it. During this mini project I want to learn as much as I can so any feedback is appreciated!:

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(06-08-2017, 08:11 PM)Mariyan-Hristov Wrote: Hey man ! Great sketchbook I love the variety of studies you posted here, I'm into environment design and used SketchUP in the past , so we can google hangout some time and draw, discuss envo design etc. :>

Thanks dude! sounds like a plan

I finished the Tudor House project which I started to in the last post (feedback as always :)). Also did the Beyond Human Challenge over at ArtStation. If anyone is interested, here is the link to my submission: https://www.artstation.com/contests/beyo...ions/19741
I am now starting a post apocalyptic personal project. In very early stages but if anyone is interested in improving their portfolio and working on a project, my email is [email protected]

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Your ideas and sketches are srsly flippin cool! :D keep it up

(08-03-2017, 04:11 AM)procxied Wrote: Your ideas and sketches are srsly flippin cool! :D keep it up

thank you! Your studies are nice. keep grinding :)

Been working on some portfolio stuff for a game idea; The Last of Us India. Here is the synopsis: 20 years after the Cordyceps Brain Infection has hit the world in 2033, a significantly reduced number of people are still alive but in disarray. In India, a mother, Shivani is searching for her daughter, Aanya who went on a business trip up North 20 years ago but was stranded when the infection spread. Along the way she meets an orphaned boy Rahul who joins the mother in her endeavour

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Huge lack of posts! Been busy developing my portfolio and starting to get back into doing some studies from Shaddy Safadi videos, 20 mins google earth warmup studies  and Still lives! Any feedback appreciated

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really nice stuffz comin along in here my man, not sure i have much to advise you on; maybe to work on figurative stuff if you have time, or do some long master studies of enviros to push your knowledge and style; great stuff!

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-3465.html SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits! http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-7879.html
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
2x 20 mins still life

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