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sketchbook, The everything - Printable Version

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sketchbook, The everything - AlivBonano - 02-13-2014

I haven't got a single clue of what I'm doing... [/code][/quote]

RE: sketchbook, The everything - Rognoll - 02-13-2014

Hey! Why don't you post some more works? This one is looking pretty good! I'd love to see more!

I would try not to be so obvious with the custom brush on the left and also try to clear the foreground a little, maybe eliminating the white glow.

Aside from that, keep being clueless, it's working!

RE: sketchbook, The everything - AlivBonano - 02-14-2014


this is my first work worth posting! i'll absolutely post some more as soon as i make them ^^, this was finished exactly on my 50th day since i started painting with pen tablet so must-paint-must-work-must-post, tnx on the critique, i'll work on that :D

RE: sketchbook, The everything - AlivBonano - 02-15-2014

this was my previous work! I know I need to work a lot more! but here it is. just waiting for you guys to bomb it with crits!!! please! don't be gentle ♥

RE: sketchbook, The everything - BenFlores - 02-15-2014

keep on posting! these are really creative ideas, they just need some more fundamentals to push them some more.

RE: sketchbook, The everything - AlivBonano - 02-18-2014

here is a bit more from me...

the little angry robot is the first drawing made in photoshop :))))) idea form that cartoon robotboy i guess :D

RE: sketchbook, The everything - AlivBonano - 03-03-2014

Don't know if it's too blured or undefined? :S

RE: sketchbook, The everything - AlivBonano - 03-20-2014

Ok....... so here's another one!!! I'm becoming a bit less clueless xD

tell me everything you think about it!!! (everything that might be better, perspective stuff color stuff , any stuff!! )

also I always make such huge images, and I never realize it before I'm done >.< whats an optimal image size??

Please reply... thank you guyss.... ♥

RE: sketchbook, The everything - Kaycee - 03-21-2014

I love your work, it looks pro to me. The bubbles that you drew look especially realistic, and looking at your paintings make me feel good.
Also, the first painting reminds me of a game I was addicted to (Ragnarok Online). Looks like the city "Umbala". Have you ever played it?

RE: sketchbook, The everything - AlivBonano - 03-21-2014

Thank you!!!!

I'm always fighting with details actually xD I just can''t stop somehow hahaha :D but there is time ^.^

And Kaycee *shy* hihiihihi... :3 it is faaaar away from pro though..
I haven't played the game :O it was really just an image from my head... :))

RE: sketchbook, The everything - AlivBonano - 04-30-2014

So, two new thingies :333

attempt on chibi-something? with flat 2D body because selective shadows (I don't even know if this sentence makes any sense. Sorry.)
[Image: profile_picture_by_alivbonano-d7ffklz.png]
[Image: little_talks_by_alivbonano-d7gdefv.jpg]

and a selfportrait done as a monthly challenge (Fantasy / Sci-fi selfportrait) done for Artist's territory (facebook group held by Toxicpanda)

yes there are many things to work on (I do understand what i should work on but i really didn't have any nerves to do anything better anymore.. )

I used Morgaine le Fee artworks as an inspiration, and her artworks are just amazing O.O

RE: sketchbook, The everything - AlivBonano - 06-15-2014

long time no post, but here is the latest one :)

It started out as a study so feel free to share your oppinions and advices (looking forward to them)

[Image: curiosity_by_alivbonano-d7mcwhg.jpg]