Ass Kick
woow that girl with hand on hip is PERFECT!! Pretty shading ;)

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
I can definitely see alot of improvement and excellent job on those anatomy studies, especially the knees, they look so good! keep up the good work :)

btw are those studies from the Gottfried Bammes book?

Feodika waaahhh sttopp im getting all red from all your nice comments <3
Peter thank you so much haha the rendered knees are actually mine... but the other stuff is from bridgeman :D

Today i worked on the WIP a bit more. I wanna have it done by tomorrow for supersunday. Cant have leonard be the only one posting there!

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So stuff from today. Some figs and faces. Oh and i am currently (decided to do it today) trying to apply to an art university. Its pretty tough to get in and i only have about 2 weeks of time left. Oh and i need to have 20 or more pieces and a sketchbook i was thinking a lot about what to do for the portfolio and doing some sketching. I already got one idea which i really like but its gonna be really hard >.< but i have to blame me for it cause i am starting so late. I just hate my job right now. If you have some ideas for the portfolio please share them :D I am really excited to work on it though even if i dont get in which is very likely i will have learnt my lesson and just try again next year!!!

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Hey. Studies looking great, as usual. Some really fun stuff going on.

A few words of caution about art schools. Think very careful about which art school you apply to. You may find that what you want to learn, and what they're teaching are very very different.
I've found that most art schools (at least in Australia) have pretty poor drawing and painting programs, in which you'll be teaching yourself more than the teacher will. If you want to go and learn to draw and paint things representationally, or illustratively, then you might be better off at an Atelier.

Good luck, and keep up the good work!
tl;dr Many university art courses teach conceptual art (in the "what does it mean" sense), and not how to make pretty pictures.
just keep bangin stuff ouuuuuttt!! keep findin yer voice!!!

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
I second what Matt said.

Keep up the good work! :)

Loving your figure studies Noodle! The shapes and tonal variations are so good!

Good luck with your university application :).

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

Artloader thank you! But not nearly where i need to be...
Vicianus Thanks <3
Fedodika :3 thank youuuuu 
Matthew Yeah i get what you mean by that and i dont expect the school to teach me anything. Its just a way for me to have more time to draw instead of working i guess. But we will see >.<

Just a small life sign in form of a study for a piece im planning to do when im done with the portfolio stuff :D

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Great studies
i see some weakness in your gesture study though, I can see you carefully going over each shape which is great and gives a pleasing result as a copy for the picture but i think youl benefit from trying a bunch of figure studies where you take into account the overall gesture first. even with a single line, one swoosh to describe head to toe then work with progressively smaller lines. its an interesting look and you can definitely pull off studies well but i think some more gesture work would aid you when you tackle your more creative pieces.
keep up the goodness

also image hosting wise i use deviant arts 'stash' option which lets you upload there then link to hear and i think it works well enough.

have a nice day

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
Thank you xelfereht for your critique <3 I will train my figures right tomorrow :D So i am back from the stupid application stuff yay! I dont really like the stuff i did so we will see what happens but today some stuff. A skull thing a boxer study and a face with the worst skintones ever. Color is just so hard for me its really annoying the hell out of me. But i have got a bigger project for october so i am excited for that. I really want to sink my teeth into this!

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I struggle alot with colour aswell, atleast we have that in common haha. The skull piece looks really solid, again you seem to know what you need to work on and are doing those things which is good. keep it up!

Haha thanks Peter <3 lets push through it together! 
Well today some composition and color studies. And then one from imagination. Also some facesss and my face :D My goal for ubems paintober is to make a life painting or study everyday! The selfie is the one for today

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Dood, keep up the work. Looking so good.
If you're struggling with colour, get your hands on some traditional paint. Gouache is great but dries slightly different than when wet. Oils are my favorite, but are tricky to get the hang of, and clean up is a pain.

I found that having to mix the colours yourself, rather than picking and choosing, gives me a better understanding of what's going on. It also forces you to REALLY think about what you're doing; no ctr z.
Will also help you understand edges a bit better. If you're interested in getting started with them, just ask and I'll do what I can to explain some of the hickups you might have.
Yeah i think that would be a good idea to get a better grasp at colors! I may try it out at the weekend :D and thank you for offering me your help <3

Todays stuff. Im tired >.<

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70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Fedodika I WIILLL!

Todays stuff. The balls are from imagination to see if i could make them look like the armor material i studied yesterday. Also man i havent done those 60 sec figure drawings in a while it was really tough. I am gonna do some more of these. I also did some doodling while being bored at school and sitting in the train but i am too lazy to scan them in >.< Im gonna do some more composition and color stuff tomorrow :o

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I procrastinated so much today. Tomorrow is gonna me much more!

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Some things from the last few days. Trying to figure out skin and color and...yeah much to learn. Figs (60 sec), knight and some thumbnail ideas. I want to make one of those into a bigger illustration but i cant decide >.< maybe someone can help me choose? Oh and i got accepted into the next round of application for the university that i applied to yay! So i am gonna start doing some traditional painting studies now since i will have to paint traditionally in one of the exams.

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