LovindatArt Sketchbook
Hello everybody I'm pretty new to art and am looking for way to improve. I did start the Natural Way to Draw but I'm pretty sure nobody wants me posting a bunch of scribbles from that book. Although this is pretty close. Stupid

Post your scribbles man, sometimes it's the quickest way to get effective feedback :).

Well done on your first sketchbook post though.

Depending on how realistic you want your work to be I would recommend using more reference images to study from.  Assuming your creature is a were-rabbit, one thing that jumped out at me is that rabbit noses aren't simply just two holes like you've drawn.  They have more of a T-shape going on. References are your friend dude :).

Good start, keep it going :)

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

(11-22-2018, 10:55 PM)Artloader Wrote: Post your scribbles man, sometimes it's the quickest way to get effective feedback :).

Well done on your first sketchbook post though.

Depending on how realistic you want your work to be I would recommend using more reference images to study from.  Assuming your creature is a were-rabbit, one thing that jumped out at me is that rabbit noses aren't simply just two holes like you've drawn.  They have more of a T-shape going on. References are your friend dude :).

Good start, keep it going :)
Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanks for taking to stopping by. I feel kind of embarrassed about the nose now that I'm looking a picture of it. Glad you pointed that out will be using more references  in the future.

Alright you asked for it Wink  a couple of gestures of the Natural Way to Draw gestures form schedule 1-E. If needed I can post more or I stop here.

And here are some Draw a Box Lessons and random sketches taking a Break from The Natural Way to Draw. 

Attached Files Image(s)

Your line suggest impatience.Rather than control.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
I'm guessing you mean the Draw a Box exercises? I'll redo it and go slower this time.
Do the line exercise before any drawing session to practice your control.I also recommend using a normal lead pencil to practice line weight if you have ever heard of that term.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
(11-25-2018, 03:38 PM)darktiste Wrote: Do the line exercise before any drawing session to practice your control.I also recommend using a normal lead pencil to practice line weight if you have ever heard of that term.

Okay I get what your saying about the line exercises. I do know what line weight is I just never understood how to execute if that makes sense. Even if I use a regular pencil I still can't get that variation with line. I think that will come with practice though. Anyway thanks again.

I went did some of the exercises again and added the ghosting exercise as well.

Well done for posting your scribbles dude.

Good to see some drawabox exercises, that stuff will teach you patience and control. Nice lines overall there, keep going.

With the gestures, one strategy that can help is to look at some gestures from some masters and copy those first, that will equip you with some great techniques and understanding. Then move on to working from photos or real life.

Hope that helps dude.

Keep going!

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

Add those snake line to the mix that seem to be a problem for you and you should fix it.Next would be some nice regular cercle like 10 page would be a good start.Be sure to draw different size of cercle and ellipse.

Attached Files Image(s)

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
For the gestures I was using the Natural Way to Draw examples. I will be looking at other gestures in the future. Can't believe I didn't think to do that.

I will get to work on it. And do ten pages of ellipses.

Here is sketch I did. Tried using a reference but things didn't work out. Will try again latter.

What you leak is understanding of volume to construct form don't skip step drawing is a marathon it not a sprint.Next would be to add in some perspective and cube.You should also practice dividing line in 1/2 1/3 1/4 the longer they are the harder it is to guess the distance it will help you measure negative space and construct complex form later on.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
(12-01-2018, 06:31 PM)darktiste Wrote: What you leak is understanding of volume to construct form don't skip step drawing is a marathon it not a sprint.Next would be to add in some perspective and cube.You should also practice dividing line in 1/2 1/3 1/4 the longer they are the harder it is to guess the distance it will help you measure negative space and construct complex form later on.

I'll be working on perspective and cubes soon. Your right about lacking in volume department.
I'm hoping to break these habits like copying using just a contour line and a few others.

Anyway here are some more exercises


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