Just found this old place again after hearing about CA shutting down, awesome that my old stuff is still up! Heres a new recent sketch! More in last comment!

19 year old male from Stockholm, Sweden. Been drawing on and off for a while and want to really get into it again. Gonna start by uploading some doodles!

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Long time no see! Sun

Some recent sketches

Interesting technique it heavy on the hatching side but i think that if you take the time to describe the form with more though behind each stroke you could have some nice result.Check this out for example

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My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.

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Anybody alive?

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Loooove that third one

If i can suggest something i believe would improve your style it would be to start to think more about the concept of clarity and readability.Normally you want to have some open space to move the eye around if you treat everything with the same amount of detail you lose the viewer.For example open space could be use where your highlight hit and where form turn you would use line that would thin out toward the light and be bolder as they go toward the shadow side.

Maybe you could show us a few of your influence by showing use artwork they produce you like.

I suggest you look for dynamic sketching by peter han.Here some work inspired by this artist done by probably some of is student.

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My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Hey people!


You are right, I need to go easier on the hatching, leave some open space! Thanks!
(01-06-2020, 01:46 AM)Gliger Wrote: Loooove that third one

Just started trying out digital! Here are some attempts!

Some ideas for a comic, first few pages...

Hoping to get back into drawing and painting more, doing studies and all that again

Thanks for dropping by my sketchbook! I like your style! It reminds me a lot of the independent comics I used to read in my younger years!

I feel like you could improve on readability in some of your panels. Even with a heavily stylized look, I feel like we as viewers should always be able to tell what the things are and what is going on. I made a small suggestion for you:


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