Azeol's Sketchbook
Hello there!

  I used to post on the Sycra forum before it vanished into thin air. I hadn't found another place like it until stumbling across here. I've been drawing for the past 4 months as much as I can after about an almost 2 year break dealing with life. Overall, I've been drawing for a decent amount of time but I should probably be much farther along in skill at this point  Shock . Although, these past 4 months have been the most consistent ever and I think I finally have something going.

  I've cobbled together some random stuff. Recently got back into figure drawing. I sketch and study too much instead of doing more "finished" work is my #1 weakness. Mainly into character art/design and animation. Don't post as much nowadays.

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Welcome! Some really nice gesture sketches you have going there! Keep building on this confident lines you have some nice fundamentals and a good flow coming through in these and will be nice to see your progress. Getting to finished pieces does take discipline and patience but really is a good indicator of progress. Don’t be afraid to show what you have going on. Lots of folks on here can provide good feedback for you journey.

I like the kirby stuff it playful and that everything you need if you want to get good you don't need complex subject matter you just need very focus goal in your fundamental but you certainly need to focus on good observation before anything.Look around and get curious about light and form.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
You're off to a great start! Loving the gestures especially, very dynamic! Keep it going!

Looks good! I like the kirby drawings. 
Drawing simple, cute pictures is a skill I wish I possessed
@CBinns & @cgmythology - Thank you, gesture is something I spent a lot of time on in the past and was a little obsessed with, but always more room to improve as with everything! Doing more finished stuff I find fun and trying to implement my studies is something I'm trying to push myself into more, as I feel that is probably holding my progress back quite a bit overall.

@darktiste - Thanks. I agree with simplicity first and focus. It's true I know little about lighting and values.

@Killian - Thanks I enjoyed drawing them. I recommend everyone give these kind of drawings a shot with whatever you like!

  Hello again! I've started going through the ArtWod courses and program so that is generally most of this posts content. The general philosophy of the program is developing spatial awareness and problem solving for imaginative drawing, and teaching methods to study subjects and implement them. Their WOD (Work out of the Day) is particularly good for working on projects and things outside of your comfort zone, but for now I'm focusing on getting through the site courses. As I'm not exactly a complete beginner, I've been trying to push through the beginner course quickly, which is still teaching me stuff I didn't know or wasn't comfortable with, currently almost half way done. This is something I really want to commit to getting through and sticking with. I confess I haven't done any personal work, but I did write down some ideas and some sketches to having something to work on. For now I'm thinking of doing that on weekends mostly. I've also downsized to a pen tablet from a display tablet so still getting used to it.

  Content below, some personal studies mixed in:

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For value and color a pretty overwelming(depending on your artistic understanding) and technical book to look into is

Scott Robertson - How to Render - The Fundamentals of Light, Shadow and Reflectivity .

It a very solid book on fundamental to me it actually the only book which in teach it in a manner that make the reader feel they can trust that this is not just a collection of how do draw x but actually a how to draw everything you want kind of book it certainly not very pratical but everything is grounded in reality.

Most learning book or tutorial don't care about accuracy and it make the beginner wonder about what is the logic to the madness of estimating what is the secret of those artist to get ''good at estimating'' well the secret is you don't have to ... even if guide allow for more accuracy it not very practical when it come to drawing. what important is understanding the concept and developping ''the mind eye'' which is not to physically draw every guideline but to be able to visualize and estimate. The problem is that it take time and to develop this mind eyeability and the more you understand how guideline work the more you can become depend of using them to support your work so there some school of thought that it better not to use guideline or to not simplify form at all.It more like abstract concept to apply with ''the mind eye''.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
However far along or not you think you are, it seems plain to me that your sketches have a level of confidence and style that is only reached after years of practice.

Your approach to faces is really nice; the style makes me think of French comic art like Valerian and Laureline, with a hint of manga. If you're enjoying sketching and studying right now, I say sketch all day; the chances are that you'll naturally get bored with it eventually and start to feel like doing more finished work.
Nice update. By the way do you recommend Artwod? I was thinking about doing it but it seems like a lot of work/too advanced for me

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