original title: Hello
my name is Igor Ivanovic, I'm from Serbia, Novi Sad. Well, I saw your community and got instantly really inspired. I wanted to be a part of it so hello. I was drawing my whole life but not seriously. I started practicing seriously 3 months ago when I discovered that you can actually do this for a living... I couldn't believe so I dedicated my life to it... there is no going back now :). Btw I am 22, have a diploma in Theology, and am a natural bodybuilder...

My Sketchbook I just started: http://conceptart.org/forums/showthread....oob-to-pro
Hey Igor welcome to the Crimson Daggers your sketchbook on CA looks pretty good, and I can't wait to see what you post on here. Also it's nice to see another natural bodybuilder that's interested in art.

really promising sketchbook, nice to meet you!
thx guys... I'll post my stuff in Crimson Daggers too so I can get more crits and advice...

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