MiłekEC's sketchbook
Hello Daggers, I plan to show my practice stuff here, with the hope of getting some feedback, any of which is welcome. Thanks for dropping by!

The time has come to face a hard truth - I'm shit at drawing faces. I guess, if hard-pressed, I could draw faeces, but that ain't close enough, even for my standards. The biggest challenge is to get the likeness, so I plan to spend some time practicing that by cranking out some studies in the little free time I have.

Here's where you come in! Help a brotha out - by answering a simple question: Do you recognize this woman?

[Image: head_study01_by_ethicallychallenged-d5yhpk7.jpg]
more sketches from today

[Image: 386554_3803167137819_2052602596_n.jpg]
[Image: 63969_3803169417876_140834726_n.jpg]
I hope you guys like dark humor, because sometimes a guy just gotta vent :>

[Image: let_your_imagination_by_ethicallychallenged-d5z9qwp.jpg]

Also, the time has come to use my artistic powers for good in the face of grave injustice. I need to show my protest against the soulless decisions of my building's evil administration. Fluffy has been coming over for free food, quality playtime and naps on our couch for over a year and I will not stand and watch him get outlawed! Join me in my struggle for justice! (I dunno how yet)

[Image: 901576_3826353837472_1505309201_o.jpg]
Long time no post! Here's some recent stuff, any feedback welcome:

[Image: 522064_3883979238071_1714507738_n.jpg]

[Image: 553190_3883979278072_1727622090_n.jpg]

[Image: rimlight_by_ethicallychallenged-d61uub6.jpg]

[Image: centurion_study_by_ethicallychallenged-d63hg14.jpg]

[Image: loch_castle_sketch_by_ethicallychallenged-d63kwyw.jpg]

[Image: 310142_4018078830477_1923235760_n.jpg]

[Image: toucan_study_by_ethicallychallenged-d662cla.jpg]
Sgt.Rex Power Colt fanart -- I am totally spiraling into the 80s with this game. Seriously, it's getting serious, I was even watching Robocop tonight.

[Image: sgt_rex_power_colt_fanart_by_ethicallych...6676dl.jpg]

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