Heya :D
Well I'm Bamroo.
Just uh... just sittin' here with my plants...
Annnyways, I'm 18 going on 19 this year and have been accepted into an art school (RMCAD of CO, USA). I will be going in for illustration and hopefully coming out with some awesome knowledge and even awesome-r connections, which by the way is my goal for this website too!
I've heard about Crimson Daggers from various artists I watch on YouTube and have been creepin' around on this site for a bit to see if I can handle such a forum; I guess only time will reveal how things go.
I'm not sure on when I'll start to upload things since life tends to kick me around in all sorts of directions, but I do wish to have some sort of silly sketchbook thread up and going soon :P
Feel free to chat things up with me, drop some wisdom my way, I'll be around, hopefully I can be of help to others, and uhm... Yeah, happy living :3
Excuse me for being so incredibly awkward, I'm always horrible at introduction posts.

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