Hello ^.^
As the tittle itself says: HELLOOO!

I'm Vana and I come from Croatia, and how did I get here?
Well, a dear friend of mine recommended the site, so here's the new member!

I hope to gain new friendships among existing members and to progress even faster. I exist in this world for 50 days: I "digitize" since last Christmas when I got my pen tablet Dermot (yeah... I like to name my stuff) as a gift. (Thank you Santa!! ^.^)

Every positive comment and every smart critique of my work is absolutely the thing I'm looking for. So please help me on this road to success and with struggle against this monstrous brushes and dangerous challenges!

And as I ran out of ideas what next to say, I salute you and wish you a nice day! ^.^

Please be my friend! :3
Wooho :D Welcome dear <3
Enjoy your stay here and I hope you'll find everything you are looking for :D Can't wait to follow your sketchbook and watch you grow. (I'm already so proud of you)
Have lots of fun on this amazing adventure into world of art^^


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