Round 3: One Year Climb. (Start Date July 16th)
The Climb!

Been lurking on the dagger forums for awhile and tuning into some streams here and there. Before coming here i was on about four years ago. Art has been an on and off thing for me. I sometimes daydream about if i really applied myself on that long ago i'd probably be in a better position right now in terms of technique. To sum it up i basically i haven't touched art for almost a year and a half now. 

Decided to put an end to stagnation and really apply myself for the next Year starting now. So here's my deathline

-Study until my hands are bleeding. 

-Tackle areas i avoided out of frustration

-Do awesome work

-Finally apply myself to digital bought an Intuos a few years back but i barely touched it because the transition from traditional to digital was harder then i thought it'd be.

-Build a portfolio

Below is stuff i'm copy pasting from my sketchbook but it works well for a Deathline post. Encase anyone is wondering what it is i'm a gamer and this is an achievement list/trophy list you might find in a game.
Current Version
-I Live, I Die, I live again! V.1.5 (2015)

-Dropped the ball for to long V.1.4 (2014)
-Still trying after dropping the ball a few times V1.3 (2013)
-Still trying, and maybe failing less now V1.2 (2012)
-Trying to make something V1.0 (2011)

Achievement/Trophy List
-A good head on your shoulders: 
Draw 400 Heads: 213

-Figuratively speaking: 
Draw 400 Figures: 270

100 anatomical redraws onto photos: 8

-Strength of character
Digitally render 100 characters from imagination: 22

Digitally render 200 people from photo/life etc: 11

Digitally render 100 different movie scenes caps or action sequences:  6

-The Fundamentals
Clear Andrew Loomis Level
Clear Hampton Level
Clear Villipu Level

-Render unto you
Clear Ctrl-Paint

-Climb the ladder
Get any kind of work related to art stuffs.

That seems really awesome! Good luck, you can do it!!

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