How do you use an anatomy manual? (another stupid question)
It's okay to not feel quite ready to show your drawings, but really do yourself a favour and not get stuck in that place. Chances are you will never feel quite as good as you could be, but you will learn faster if you show your work to people and ask for help. This is a safe environment here, nobody is going to tear you up. :)

As for your question, I own the exact same book, and I felt as lost with it as you do. I remember talking about this with someone in the shoutbox at some point and I was given this link which helped me out a great deal: It basically tells you to look - copy - apply, and for me this works good when it comes to learning new stuff.

Being quite a lazy person when it comes to anatomy, I don't really think I have a set method when it comes to learning. What definitely helps me, is when I see things move around, to better get how it connects to the rest. For that I like to look at videos and slow them down, so that I can better see whats happening.


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RE: How do you use an anatomy manual? (another stupid question) - by Baoto - 05-04-2016, 09:04 AM

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