JyonnyNovice - from Novice to Master!
Artloader Thanks dude! Gesture + form studies is really the key I feel - even totally divorcing yourself from considering it a human being you're drawing and seeing it in terms of lines of action and simple forms. Preston Blair's 'Advanced Animation' book really helped me, since he is using gesture to draw disney style animals, it's totally removed from figures. Anyway, I still have quite a way to go, but we always do : )

I made some notes on gesture drawing for Artloader, but maybe other people will find them useful too. They are not pretty drawings, but I think the focus of 30 sec - 2 min gesture drawings is on catching a good pose, the prettiness comes on its own sometimes, and sometimes not, but that's not important for this. Very little of this is stuff I figured out on my own, it all comes from Hampton, Vilppu and Alex Woo (mostly Alex Woo).

I hope you can read my handwriting, and let me know if it's useful, I learned / remembered a lot while doing this and might do a more thorough / organised / less messy set of notes on the 7 gesture drawing exercises from Alex Woo's class if people are interested.

[Image: ta15ODe.jpg]

Plus a plein air set of trees - first time I painted outdoor on A3 paper, it was pretty fun (there was a blue sky in the background but it was too pale and just looks white now)
[Image: lVuTFqO.jpg]

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RE: JyonnyNovice - from Novice to Master! - by JyonnyNovice - 05-30-2016, 01:25 AM

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