Arm pain when measuring from observation.
So i'm trying to get back into doing observational drawing recently since I relized i'm really lacking in it and really need to improve it, and I figured I should bring up an issue i've always had with it.

does anyone else get pain in their arm when using their arm as a measurement tool, for one I don't think I can lock my arm properly, perhaps I am but regardless I can't keep it still so every time I measure I end up getting a different result, i've spent ages in the past just trying to get the basic head height measurements for a pose and still not being sure of it by the end, I have to use my other hand to hold my arm steady(which I have'nt seen other artists do when measuring) and even then I usually end up with botched up measurements.

Secondly my arm starts to freaking hurt after the first few tries or after i've "locked" it for a little while(say about 30 seconds, though i'm not sure, i'll have to test it when my arms not hurting since i was just trying to draw from observation a minute ago).

I did have a big arm breakage in my drawing arm years ago and I do have hypermobility(meaning I can bend my joints a lot more then the average person and my shoulders can leave and renter my arm socket easily) so perhaps one of these are a factor and could explain why I don't feel like I can lock my arm properly.

I've also thought about learning to use my other arm for measuring, but it's hard to tell if that's an issue as well since I still find it wobbly(and it does start to hurt albiet not as soon), though I think that could be used to me not being used to measuring like that.

Honestly I probably should have bought this up sooner due to how important observational drawing is.
Kinda dumb of me not to really xD.
edit:Oh yeah should also mention I don't get any other drawing pains whatsover, it's literally only with stretching my arm out and measuring.


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Arm pain when measuring from observation. - by Triggerpigking - 05-31-2016, 09:40 AM

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