Yo - let the journey begin
Hey All, 

Thought I'd post and say hi to all you lovely mo fos. 

I recently quit my job, in order to give me more time to paint, so I thought I'd better get my ass active in some sort of community, and been as Dave and Dan are the ones who inspired me to start painting/drawing again. What better place? 

I gave up on art at about 16 after fluffing my school art class, I was a little shit and just didn't show up to any lessons. I started drawing again about a year and a half ago and after somehow getting into a creative role at a commercial illustration company my friend worked at I thought, fuck this... commercial illustration/greeting cards is not at all what I want to be doing. Anyway, I've post a recent piece below - I'm so self critical I hate posting stuff, but I gotta learn to get stuff out there, I guess. The second piece is a sort of companion piece WIP (I'm doing these posters based on beers that I love and my favourite local bar has said they'll put them up on the walls).

Anyways, eventually I'd like to be doing entertainment industry concept stuff and illustrations (as would most people here I'm sure), so I gotta start pushing in that direction. 

Look forward to my stay and getting to know you all / being active in the community! RUSTED STEEL onwards!

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Messages In This Thread
Yo - let the journey begin - by Beardyish - 07-08-2016, 10:27 PM
RE: Yo - let the journey begin - by Artloader - 07-08-2016, 10:36 PM
RE: Yo - let the journey begin - by John - 07-09-2016, 12:05 AM
RE: Yo - let the journey begin - by Beardyish - 07-09-2016, 04:32 PM

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