John's Thread (Used to be super active! Still the longest thread name ever in CD)
johny - Hey Johny. You liking the process boosts my ego! Then again, yeah! It wouldn't be as good without people art directing it to the way that it is now. I consider it pretty much a collaboration than a personal piece in the strictest sense.. *pops ego back to nothing* Thanks Johny!

Artloader  - Yeah... And I'm not saying that to phish by the way, now that I realize how phishy I sounded. The context is, I was trying to pull off a Rockwell. Or at least something that feels like a Rockwell painting. And let's get real, what I did was a hard "Nope". And yes, I should've worked on the hand a bit more.. Thanks Loader!

JyonnyNovice - I feel like a cheat on that piece. Heavily referenced a photo to the point that I blatantly copied it. Those thoughts about construction are valid, because, honestly, I didn't bother with them while I was doing it. Appreciate your thoughts Jonny! Tell it how it is!

RickRichards - Oh that piece is done. Whatever the equivalent of punching a hole through the canvas is, I've done it to this one! Haha! Btw, those are good thoughts to have in the future. I need to be more mindful of them in the next work. Thanks Rick for the advice!

Okay. Time to try something new. From measure lines to value blocking.

And a harder brush than what I normally use.

If you are reading this, I most likely just gave you a crappy crit! What I'm basically trying to say is, don't give up!  
IG: @thatpuddinhead

Messages In This Thread
RE: Works only a mother can love (John's Thread) - by John - 08-12-2016, 01:47 PM

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