Sesshoumaru expression! [WIP]
Hey guys :)

Gosh, so much time I don't come around here. :/ sry.

Well, I'm doing a painting of Sesshoumaru:

[Image: sesshoumaru_wip2_post_by_mateusrocha-d5ah3k7.jpg]

I have a doubt on this one. For those who knows Sesshoumaru: in this image I'm doing he's like ready to grab/attack/use poison, but his face expressions just seems too normal.... however, he's known for the lack of expression... :( any toughts?


Messages In This Thread
Sesshoumaru expression! [WIP] - by mateusrocha - 08-09-2012, 06:45 AM
RE: Sesshoumaru expression! [WIP] - by DK - 08-09-2012, 02:06 PM
RE: Sesshoumaru expression! [WIP] - by SamC - 08-09-2012, 04:24 PM

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