Drawing With Your Thumb On A Mobile Phone
I have an ipad air and simple stylus, but I definitely prefer my sketchbook - maybe pressure sensitivity would help that, but I kind of don't want to spend money on something that I suspect would still be a fairly poor substitute for plain old pencil and paper. For some reason though, everyone that sees me drawing on it goes *Wow, cool, I want an ipad to draw on, too!" Can't be my drawings, they look like shit, basically all I can do is doodle on it, and I can't doodle well to begin with...


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RE: Drawing With Your Thumb On A Mobile Phone - by Olooriel - 11-11-2016, 03:05 AM
RE: Drawing With Your Thumb On A Mobile Phone - by Jaysea - 11-22-2016, 04:32 PM

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