hello arts peplez!

My name's Razvan Radulescu (with the ever most original and easiest to remember user/internet nick name :D - razvanc-r). I'm Romanian (not living in Romania tho'), finishing a PhD in volcanic ash forecasting (the type of forecast that is focused on atmospheric ash dispersion/deposition - cause I get a lot of "oh so you do geology..." no! :D). Anyway, I'm at my end of my studies but for the longest time I've been interested in game development and drawing/painting, except I never gave it attention. Until now. So yeah, I'm pretty old to "go back to school" for this stuff but that's what I decided to do! Because I'm crazy :D.

I have been lurking in the shadows of gamedev./concept art for some time now and I'm finally taking a step into the light!... a very mid-tone colorless, desaturated light! :D. I'm a very big fan of open source software and believe in the power of: blender, godotengine, krita, inkscape, linux etc. So yeah, I'm a linux user for about 7-8 years now and a programmer/physicist at core I suppose, based on my studies at least :). Speaking of which, some shameless ad: if you're interested in playing with game dev.-ing, I started a tutorial series a while ago for godot engine :), more info here: https://razvanc-r.gitlab.io/tutorials/. It's completely free, it's based off of a unity tutorial (I'm basically exploring godot features by taking the unity tutorial and porting it to godot and improving upon it). So there you have it... oh, there's also some stuff I drew the past year or so (on and off as I didn't have a specific plan when I started): drawabox homework dump - there are some ok ones, some really bad ones, most of them are ok-ish I suupose, except for some really crappy ones :D. I think I'm ready to try out more advanced stuff (tho' I know I still need to chip away at the fundamentals badly!)

Any comments/collaborations/tips/tricks/advice etc. is more than welcome :)! Thenx for your time! Have a great day.


Messages In This Thread
hello arts peplez! - by razvanc-r - 12-03-2016, 12:15 AM
RE: hello arts peplez! - by John - 12-03-2016, 01:16 AM
RE: hello arts peplez! - by razvanc-r - 12-03-2016, 02:16 AM
RE: hello arts peplez! - by Artloader - 12-03-2016, 10:13 AM
RE: hello arts peplez! - by Amit Dutta - 12-04-2016, 07:08 AM
RE: hello arts peplez! - by razvanc-r - 12-04-2016, 06:48 PM

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