01-01-2017, 11:30 PM
MannionJJ2020: Yeah, you're so right. Recently I was able to get some of my works be seen by a real pro, and he said the exact same think - overworked! I'm trying not to do it, but it's just so enjoyable. :D But will do, will do for sure! Thank you, and it helps a lot. ;)
Fedodika: Damn it, you're also right. Detailing everything like a goddamn noob that I am. :D And you won't believe what I've discovered recently... I mean, like fuckity fuck, for almost an entire YEAR now, from when I started using PS, I was working on my good o'l tablet WITHOUT THE FUCKING DRIVERS INSTALLED. Like, no options. NO ADJUSTMENTS. You know? Like, NO PRESSURE SENSITIVITY AT ALL. AT ALL! It's like painting with a mouse. And I was so pissed I couldn't get the sensitivity of a pencil or a charcoal that derives from pressure. Now I can use a single fucking brush and to wonders with it, cause every stroke is different, depending on how much weight I put on my grip pen. I laughed so hard you wouldn't believe. :D But to the point - now I can do what you're saying - do it with a single brush. :D But speaking about details in an artwork, what do you think about works like this? https://cdna0.artstation.com/p/assets/im...1478200501
There's a hell lot of details there, my friend. It's just good.
Fedodika: Damn it, you're also right. Detailing everything like a goddamn noob that I am. :D And you won't believe what I've discovered recently... I mean, like fuckity fuck, for almost an entire YEAR now, from when I started using PS, I was working on my good o'l tablet WITHOUT THE FUCKING DRIVERS INSTALLED. Like, no options. NO ADJUSTMENTS. You know? Like, NO PRESSURE SENSITIVITY AT ALL. AT ALL! It's like painting with a mouse. And I was so pissed I couldn't get the sensitivity of a pencil or a charcoal that derives from pressure. Now I can use a single fucking brush and to wonders with it, cause every stroke is different, depending on how much weight I put on my grip pen. I laughed so hard you wouldn't believe. :D But to the point - now I can do what you're saying - do it with a single brush. :D But speaking about details in an artwork, what do you think about works like this? https://cdna0.artstation.com/p/assets/im...1478200501
There's a hell lot of details there, my friend. It's just good.
Why do you complain of your fate when you could so easily change it?